
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-06 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The accounting can not only provide decision-making related information for internal and external information users such as managers, investors and creditors, but also distribute the resource better. Therefore, the informativeness is of much importance. On the condition of distortion on accounting information, the thesis has realistic significance. This article makes a detailed analysis of relationship between corporate governance and accounting information by taking into consideration the agency issues arising from modern corporate environment, and focusing on the effect of the deficiencies of corporate governance on the informativeness. This article develops a theoretical analysis from internal and external aspects of corporate governance. It concludes that high quality information plays a critical role in improving corporate governance and on the other hand effective corporate governance is the fundamental assurance of informativeness. Based on the conclusion, the paper continues to analyze the deficiencies of corporate governance on the informativeness through the empirical research of China. At the end are advices and measures to improve corporate governance and give assurance to the informativeness with the hope to make out a different perspective to solve the issues.This paper develops a theoretical analysis on the issue. In the meantime we quote a lot empirical results from domestic and overseas to further verify the issue.The analysis is based on the following ideas:ⅠThe essence of enterprise is double level contracts-contract between owners and managers and contract between owners and managers as a whole and other parties at interest. The target of enterprise is to maximize the interest of company.ⅡCorporate governance deficiencies of our country mainly involve several aspects as follow: capital structure, use of supervising rights owned by general meeting of shareholders, board of directors and council of supervisors, Managerial Incentive Contract, restriction from capital market and other external system.ⅢThe poor corporate governance is the key cause for disclosure of fake or inaccurate accounting information.In this paper there are two distinguishing characters. At first, the concept that how corporate governance and accounting information affect each other is demonstrated theoretically and practically. Secondly, the article develops the analysis from internal and external aspects of corporate governance systematically and comprehensively. And provide suggestions accordingly.
论文关键词: 公司治理;会计信息;委托;监督;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Corporate Governance;Accounting Information;Principle-Agent Theory;Supervise;