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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The issue about slery is always the focus of American history scholars. The main target of this paper is the administration mechani of black sles in south America from 1840 to 1861. During this period, with the rise of cotton planting, the large plantation economy is on base of slery which expands to the west ,the population of black sles grows rapidly ,all of which created the golden time of slery in 1850s. As everyone knows, the economic interest of the development of slery is the fundamental driving force, so how to manage the accounting for 1 / 5 of the black population, has become the security of the system’s effect operation. On the base of the study from domestic and foreign scholars, this essay analyses the issue in three aspects, that is, the federal and state constitution, the federal and state laws, the administration system of plantation, and at last analyses the dilemma of the development of slery, to reveal the essence of the non-humanity of slery and the trend of inevitable decline, whose purpose is to deepen the recognition of the problems of contemporary American blacks.The text is composed of four parts.Part one reviews the argument about the slery between the south and the north , on the background of expansion of slery in the first half of the 19th century, it deeply analyses in the respect of constitution , especially emphasizes the enactment and the implement of《the Fugitive sle law of 1850》,which offers the foundation of theory and the security of constitution.Part two describes the Black Code of southern states under the constitutional system, reveals its nature of belittle black, defends the absolute dominion of sleholders and the superiority of the whites, which formed a double legal system from the federation to the state.Part three discusses the administration of the plantation. With the gradual maturity of slery, the administration of southern plantation becomes more and more systematic. The sleholders utilize many ways, such as the monitoring system, the rental sle system, the award and penalty system, to administrate the sles and achieve the purpose of maximizing profits.Part four elaborates the finitude of development of southern slery, in southern economics, democracy, politics and the resistance of the sles. Slery restricted the development of America capitali, it is bound to decline.The conclusion summarizes briefly the full paper, and draws some views on the administration mechani of the black sle: first, southern sleholders class play an important role in the administration mechani of black sles; second, the administration mechani of black sle in south America has obvious characteristics of raci, and racist ideas become the root of ideology of America Blacks Problem contemporary; third, African Americans formed a special way of life and ideology in slery; fourth, the America democratic theory and the development of capitali require for the abolition of slery.
论文关键词: 美国南部;种植园;黑奴;管理机制;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn South America;Plantation;Black Sles;Administration Mechani;