
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-19 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Logical positivi holds the complete empirical-positivist disciplines in truth, deeming those arguments directly or indirectly with experiential test are the verifiable standards for the sense. Karl Popper considered that verification principle can not be used as an universal and efficient one, and based on which he investigated the development mode of scientific knowledge, and put forward his falsification principle.This paper analyzes the falsification thought of Karl Popper, attempting to describe his original thinking clue. Karl Popper considered that the falsification principle has solved the Did Hume’s problem as well as Kant’s problem. The falsifiability refers to the possibility lies in either singular propositions or universal propositions which can prove the proposition false, and all propositions of empirical science are falsifiable. Karl Popper considered that dynamic system of the scientific development lies in suppositions and theoretical propositions for elucidating a certain case, under the initial conditions, to predict the future possibilities. Supposition and argumentation, the two basic links composes of the logic of scientific evolution, and the mode of knowledge accumulation also formulated the core of his science methodology.This paper carefully compared the Popper’s mode and Kun’s mode in science development. Both of them played an important role in history of science, but the author considered that Popper’s mode of scientific development is more clear and definite. This paper also elucidates the great significance of verifiability to the modern science, and through the analysis of an empirical study of verifiability - the empirical study of accountancy, illustrating the inter-supporting and the inside perfecting harmony among different disciplines has profound implications in theoretical innovation of different disciplines nowadays. Popper held the idea of rational critici all the time, therefore the author criticized his falsification theories as well, and gained better understanding of the essence of philosophy.
论文关键词: 可证实性;可证伪性;知识增长模式;批判理性主义;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Verifiability;Falsiability;Mode of Knowledge Accumulation;Critical Rationali;