
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-20 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Accounting firm is established by law in social audit of the self-financing of social intermediary organizations, accepted by the profits from the project. In the applications of accounting firms, project management can be used into the quality control, reporting on important matters, risk control and human resources management and other fields. The accounting firms can’t satiy the needs of customers only on the established structured process in accordance with foreign experience, which puts too much stress methods and efficiency.The paper takes research on the project governance of accounting firm. There will only be by the project manager level to solve the problem upgrading to by stakeholders working together to resolve. This enables us to realize, we should build a more effective d workforce, optimize project processes, build effective project governance, through project governance, the accounting firm can share information in senior managers, the project team and other project participants (stakeholders), jointly completing the project.Based on this, this paper has done a lot of theoretical research using project management ways of thinking, and has done a lot of research about project’s risk of accounting firm against the life cycle project management and risk assesent. This paper elected Shandong branch of Zhonghezhengxin accounting firm as empirical study with a view to the accounting firm governance project for the development of the solution.By the analysis of characteristics and challenges, it makes the purpose of this study and the significance clear, which is to provide an idea for accounting firm from the perspective of the project. The success of the project requires more extensive project stakeholders sharing responsibility for completing the task, thereby achieving project objectives. The research of this part includes three sections. First, it studied the lifecycle of accounting firm. In accordance with the unique operational characteristics of accounting firm’s project, the life cycle of accounting firm can be segmented into 5 stages. The risk of each stage has been described and given the risk ersion methods. Meanwhile, the risk of each stage has been classified and evaluated. Second, under the theory of project governance, the chapter of accounting firm’s project governance sets the role of accounting firms and gives the various tasks corresponding to the roles. Under the dynamic relationship of various stakeholders in the project governance, this chapter also gives the relationship between all of the roles. The third, The chapter of accounting firms’ evaluation of project governance set out the general principles of evaluation and refinement of various indicators, ultimately forming a complete system for the evaluation and assesent procedures. With the combination of these theoretical analysis and explanation, the thesis chose a power group as a project empirical analysis, and the project based on the theory of project governance. It sets a clear objectives of the project, sets the demarcation of the project life cycle and the role. It specified the task relative to the role, and it mentioned out of the possible risks in various stages of the life cycle and actively prevented and reduced the risk of loss. Finally, the project completed within the desired objectives, and it was praised by stakeholders, which also improve the level of projects governance of the entire group.Finally, the paper concludes, it is effective to establish such a system from the accounting firm of the project life-cycle process, the role and participation in the project tasks, the responsibility to conduct division, considering the risks and benefits of the life cycle stages and the expectations and responsibilities of the stakeholders.With the innovation of this paper is that from the views of project to see the business in accounting firm, using the approach of project governance to establish the process with adaptation of the accounting firm’s characteristics and with reference to the International Project Management Excellence Model, corresponding evaluation of the effectiveness of systems.
论文关键词: 会计师事务所;项目治理;生命周期;风险;角色;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Accounting Firm;Project Governance;Life Cycle;Risk;Role;