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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The contemporary lease industry has become an important way that some enterprises invest and finance and a main marking way that some enterprises sell the equipments in the industrially developed countries and some developing countries.Compared with the developed countries’, the lease industry in our country is at the initial stage of development. Accordingly, the lease accountant of our country who serves the leasing industry is not very perfect.With the WTO’s entry of our country, the leasing industry will fast develop in our country,it’s very necessary to set up a set of perfect lease accounting criterion of combining together with the reality of our country. On February 15th, 2006, the Ministry of Finance promulgated new "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" in accordance with International Accounting Standards.No.21 of Accounting Standards,Leasing Accounting Criterion, that is used to guide and standardize lease accounting practices in China.This text analysises some defects that exist in the new lease accounting criterion of our country, combining International Accounting Standards at the same time, and has divided five chapters to expound the fact and given some effective measures to perfect the lease accounting criterion of our country.I wish it could play a impetus role at the lease accounting through studying the lease accounting.In chapter one " introduction " .The author has started with the lease development,from the development general situation of lease industry to the development prospect of the lease industry in our country, and has introduced the categories of lease and the concept which the lease accounting are correlated with.At the same time, the author has put forward the problems that the lease accounting of our country remains to solve. In chapter two " studying the questions about the Minimum Lease Payment" .First discuss the rent and some other related issues; Then redefine the Minimum Lease Payment.In chapter three " studing the accounting issues of Unrecognized Finance Expense " .First sum up the relevant factors affecting the Unrecognized Finance Expense;Then elaborate the Unrecognized Finance Expense from confirmation、measurement and presentation,comparing to the International Accounting Standards.In chapter four " studing the accounting issues of Unearned Finance Income " .First sum up the relevant factors affecting the Unearned Finance Income;Then elaborate the Unearned Finance Income from confirmation、measurement and presentation;Finally analysis impacts on Unearned Finance Income arising from the changes of Unguaranteed Residual Value.In chapter five " studying the special problems about the lease accounting " .To begin with,study the deferred income from leaseback after sale;Then probe into the accountant dealing with lease both sides while the clause of leasing is revised and the lease term expires.
论文关键词: 租赁;租赁会计;会计问题;特殊问题;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn lease;the lease accounting;accounting issues;special problems;