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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Accounting policy choices regulation of listed companies on the theory and practice of one important aspect. Accounting policy is accounting principle, procedure, approach, etc. which affect accounting statements directly. Accounting policy has economic consequences, which means it can influence the benefits of the stakeholders. Furthermore, the accounting information is public goods. On the one hand, it’s means that accounting information with a broad social impact, the allocation of resources to the community has a great effect; On the other hand, This means accounting policy choice can not be controlled efficiently by market power, so we must control accounting policies. At the same time, February 15th, 2006 promulgation of the new accounting standards for listed companies which use the new accounting standards on the beginning of 2007.A11 this mean supervision changes to the considerable challenge. The research on accounting policy choice, which focuses on how to constraint accounting policy choice, is to improve quality of accounting information.This paper is divided into five parts.In the first chapter, instruct several conceptions related to the supervision on the choice of accounting policies. First, economic consequences theory is discussed deeply. Its conception, manifestation, and the relation between economic consequences theory and control mechani of accounting choice are all researched in this section. Second, accounting information is proved to he character of public goods. This means accounting policy choice can not be controlled efficiently by market power. Third, according to new institution economics, institution is the factors that affect people’s behiors. New institution economics can provide basis for accounting policy choice. Forth, fixed function hypothesis shows the function of the number in accounting statements is confined by its users. This means accounting choice is important in spite of efficient market theory.The second, three, four chapters separately from the accounting policies, accounting policy implementation, the implementation of the accounting policy to discuss three aspects of the accounting policy choices supervision measures, which describes respectively supervision subject, object and the related supervision measures. The accounting policy formulation is that the choice of setting accounting standards right choice. The accounting policy implementation is actually confirmed in enterprise management, measurement, recording and reporting of the whole process a series of subjective judgment and choice behior. The accounting policy that is the implementation of the enterprise management authorities to choose the appropriate accounting policies followed by the formation of financial reporting, analysis and so on, that is, the traner to the outside accounting information.The last part of the thesis on the choice of accounting policies coordination between supervision measures, as well as from the habits and ethics-integrity constraints in accounting policy choices. Based on income-cost of the integrity, credibility and the norms of listed companies honest suggestions. The main innovation is from the accounting policy formulation, implementation of accounting standards and the implementation of the effects of this one main theme study.
论文关键词: 会计政策;会计政策选择;监管;会计准则;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn accounting policy;accounting policy choice;supervise;accounting standards;