
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-07 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The problem of production batch in discrete demand environment is a important and real issues in the production of management of manufacturing enterprises in recent years. Currently, in the actual production, MRP system is calculated on a time span through sub-total demand and net demand, and to express the demand for materials with the intermittent time series. Many enterprises determine all production batches of each technics under various customers and the demand for orders and delivery time. Although sing a certain storage costs, but loss of multi-times working startup of each technics makes equipment movement ratio, efficiency and eligibility decrease, overall equipment efficiency decreases, not to consider various processes the production quantity from the entire production chain. At the same time research was mainly targeted at the overall product or a particular process, did not consider various components and the various processes. The object of this paper on the various parts and components for products in various time zones, machining batch of each technics, and taking into account mutual relations of the production quantity in each technics.The content of the study is mainly the relationship between the procurement costs, inventory costs, processing costs, startup public resources sharing cost and production quantity in each technics, in order to achieve the lowest unit cost, aiming to minize unit cost. Because demand is changing, at the same time, the unit cost of various parts of each technics is associated with the production quantities, each economic production quantity is dynamical.My research is analyzed from these aspects as below:(1) Not only from an accounting point of view to analyze unit product manufacturing costs, but also from the perspective of production costs, to express product cost more accurately.(2) Combining the mode of the economic production process and demand, otherwise, the economic model of production is static, to meet the various time zones on the basis of the delivery of the best economic production quantities, to establish economic batch dynamic model.(3) Research on public resources cost-sharing, the traditional cost-sharing of public resources in accordance with the standard working hours for the product-sharing, no research on working hours and production costs, in order to find the best low cost of production makes working hours.(4) Using dynamic the structure of units cost to prove that the unit cost of production changes with the production quantity.My research combines the reality of production enterprises, using the theoretical knowledge of industrial engineering to analyze practical problems and hope to help indicate prosuction and practicee.The relationship between unit product cost gene and production quantity was studied and the mathematical model was eastabilished through analyzing unit product cost gene of different production quantity. The relationship between public cost-sharing and production quantity was confirmed, when unit products total cost (the sum of the cost factor) is minimal, using LINGO software to seek the production quantity of each part in all time zones and all the production process quantities. Considering the dynamic structure of unit production costs, a the economic quantities with practical authenticity and accurativity was obtained. Finally, an examples was given to verify the best economic quantities under a certain demand.
论文关键词: 经济生产批量;持有成本;数量折扣;曲线拟合;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Economic production quantity (EPQ);Holding cost;quantity discount;Curve fitting;