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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn In March, 2003, the National Audit Administration issued Regulations of Internal Audit. Since April, 2003, China Association of Internal Audit has issued the Basic Standards of Internal Audit, Ethics of Internal Auditing Staff, twenty-four concrete guidelines and two guides to internal audit. This shows that internal audit in our country has entered the new era of legalization, standardization and professionalization. Yet, like any new things, the standardization and professionalizaton of internal audit are also a process of gradual development and perfection. Some problems and inconsistencies will inevitably occur in this process. As far as internal auditing is concerned, the setting of internal audit standards is a bit late and its authority is weak, as compared with state audit and social audit. This has affected the development of internal audit. Therefore, a study of the internal audit standards of our country is highly significant in promoting its legalization, standardization and professionalization.Based on the existing theoretical framework of audit standards in our country, this dissertation adopts the comparative method to give a comprehensive and deep exploration of the existing problems in the internal audit standards of our country, especially the legal standards. It is divided into five chapters. Chapter One is the preface, introducing the background, the related literature, and the framework and the important arguments of this dissertation. Chapter Two is a study of the theoretical issues of internal audit standards. First, it gives a detailed analysis of the meaning, features, classification and internal logical structure of internal audit, after defining the basic concepts of internal audit standards. Next, it will analyze and prove the relation of internal audit standards to trustee responsibilities and authorized agency, thus illustrating the theoretical basis for internal audit standards. After this, it will discuss the influence of the special cultural context on internal audit standards, i.e. the tendency to legal control. Especially, the government should play an active role in laying down legal standards and issue relevant laws and regulations so as to provide space for the development of internal audit activities. Chapter Three explores the issue of legal standards of internal audit. After a review of the development of the legal standards of internal audit and an introduction to the state of affairs of internal audit in our country, Chapter Three compares, in light of audit system, the legal standards of internal audit of our country with those of state audit and social audit. A comparison is also made with the“introvert nature”of accounting practice from the perspective of professionalization. It finds out the problems, analyzes the causes, and proposes formulating the core legal standards of internal audit, i.e. producing a“tailor-made basic law”for internal audit. Based on this, this dissertation explores the framework for the“basic law”of internal audit, in terms of the aim of internal audit, power arrangement and its organization. Chapter Four studies the issue of internal audit norms. First, it introduces the general situation of internal audit norms in our country, and then compares internal audit norms with those of state audit and independent audit in terms of the framework and structure of audit norms. Based on this, a further comparison is made of the basic norms of internal audit with those of state audit and independent audit so as to find out the differences and similarities, and analyzes the causes. Suggestions are made that the basic norms should define clearly their relation to the norms of other professions, that the management model of“the audit committee”should be introduced, and that the basic requirements for economic accountability audit should be issued. Chapter Five discusses the ethic standards of internal audit. Domestically, it defines the concept of ethic standards of internal audit and compares them with The Ethic Norms of Auditors in Audit Offices and The Basic Ethic Norms of China’s Chartered Accountants. Internationally, it compares them with the international ethic norms of internal audit, so as to find out their similarities and differences. Causes of the differences are analyzed. Suggestions are made that ethic norms of internal audit should be included into the framework of internal audit standards, and that corresponding punishment should be made clear to the internal auditor who violates the ethic norms.
论文关键词: 内部审计规范;法律规范;内部审计准则;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Internal Audit Standards;Legal Standards;Internal Audit Norms;