
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-21 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要) Audit charge is an economic link between certified public accountant and public company. Studies on audit charge and its related issues , which mostly is about some general factors and a few is based on the angle of corporate governance, he been done by western scholars from 1980’s. In the year of 2001, public companies in China were requested to throw daylight on remuneration of auditors. Then audit charge becomes public and the studies on audit charge begin. As more attention on corporate governance is paid, more scholars treat corporate governance as an important factor on audit charge. The reform of non-tradable shares causes a great change on corporate governance and its influence on audit charge turns into the focus of our study. This thesis based on the review of audit charge study background, related literatures and system background, uses research conclusions of domestic and abroad scholars as reference, establishes a positive model, interprets corporate governance as the influence of audit charge in a dynamic view, and investigate the relationship between corporate governance and audit charge by overcoming endogenous research issue of corporate governance. In the positive model, the proprietorship of first stockholder and the second to fifth stockholders stock-holding proportion are introduced as interpretive variables for analysis. Data in the regression is from 1,000 of all public companies that publicized audit remuneration and other financial affaires information. The positive study indicates, after the reform of non-tradable shares, under statistical significance of 0.05, the proprietorship of first stockholder presents negative pertinence significant influence on audit charge of public companies, while the second to fifth stockholders stock-holding proportion and corporate size presents positive pertinence significant influence on audit charge of public companies.
论文关键词: 审计收费;公司治理;股权分置改革;
Key words(英文摘要) audit charge;corporate governance;reform of non-tradable shares;