
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-28 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With the deepening of reform in commercial bank of china, risks in commercial bank are gradually revealed,and this situation has always been a threat to China’s financial security. How to prevent and remove the risks effectively in the bank has been a problem for reform in commercial bank of china to resolve immediately. Risks exist in all of the business activities all the time, and accounting has always run through the entire process in the banking business, and commercial Bank’s business activities with the commercial banks accounting homologous features,, that is to say, the process of dealing with accountancy is that of dealing with the business in the bank, which enables the accountancy in commercial bank to exert its special function in the course of preventing and removing risks in the bank. Therefore, this paper attempts to study based on Accounting how to better exert the function of accountancy as to preventing and removing risks effectively in commercial bank. This paper is divided into four parts: Firstly, introduces the topic of the research background, purpose, significance and research at home and abroad, the ideas, methods and targets. Secondly, describes the definition and types of commercial bank’s risk, the causes and the current situation of China’s commercial banks’risk, to the commercial banks he a basic understanding of risks. And then, analyses China’s Commercial Bank’s Risk based on Accounting, and points out that the relationship between commercial banks and accounting principles, the accounting system, internal accounting control, and accounting information disclosure, accounting and infrastructure management work, etc. Finally, chapter proposes strategies of preventing risks in the bank, from the accounting perspective of better using of accounting principles, reforming and improving the accounting system, establishing and improving accounting information system, improving and strengthening internal accounting controls, and strengthening internal and external supervision.
论文关键词: 风险防范;商业银行风险;商业银行会计;巴塞尔协议;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Risk Preventing;Commercial Bank’s Risk;Commercial Bank’s Accountancy;Basel Accord;