
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-30 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Intellectual listed companies discussed in the article involve various field of enterprises, including high-tech, prospective designing, television advertising media and others. The intellectual listed companies undertake the important missions such as the tranormation between science and technology and the actual economic fruit, the implementation of the scientific concept of development, the adjustment of our economy and industrial structure and the improvement of China’s economic and technological international competitiveness. In this context, we need to find a more objective and accurate method which is able to reflect the fair value of the intellectual listed companies.This paper consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, including research background, literature review, research methods, and possible innovations. The second part is the overview of intellectual enterprise’s fair value theory, including the concept of intellectual enterprises and the fair value, the overview of the method for calculate the fair value of intellectual enterprises. The third part is case study and analysis on the difference between book value and fair value. The fourth part is financial indicators analysis of intellectual listed companies’book value and fair value. The fifth part is the conclusion, the general approach for the reform and the limitations of research.This paper checks the intellectual listed companies’fair value (assessed valuation value) against book value of financial statements. From the existed knowledge, the author found that the accounting standards all over the world he never involved the reliable and effective measurement and validation criteria of intelligence enterprises’fair value. With the practice experience, related research and capital rating criteria, the author puts forward the general approach that it has to reform the method for making accounting statements under, and improves the quality of accounting information, through case study and the statistical analysis of listed company’s financial indicators on the E and GEM board. Moreover, the author made the suggestion that it should reform the current listed offering price that major asset restructure of listed companies should price its outstanding shares on a basis of fair value, and the impact of fair value on the issue price should be considered listed companies decided to start its IPO.
论文关键词: 智力型上市公司会计报表和公允价值;智力资产;智力资本;评估市盈率;评估市净率;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn the accounting statements and fair value of intellectual listed companies;intellectual asset;intellectual capital;appraisal price/earning ratio (ap/e);appraisal price/book value ratio (ap/b);