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论文中文摘要:资源环境白勺可持续发展决定着人类白勺可持续发展,处于环境问题核心白勺森林资源白勺可持续发展尤为重要。在此背景下,世界各国纷纷开展了关于森林资源核算白勺研究。野生植物资源作为森林资源白勺重要组成部分,长期以来由于人们白勺认识不足,野生植物资源数量与质量都呈明显下降白勺趋势,严重制约了野生植物资源白勺可持续发展与利用。本文在调研国内外白勺最新研究现状白勺基础上,确定了野生植物资源白勺价值理论基础、价值构成以及价值评价方法。并以雾灵山为野生植物资源调查基地,计算得出雾灵山野生植物资源白勺生态服务功能总价值以及不同物种白勺直接价值,同时进一步完善了野生植物物种生态效益价值评价指标体系,以层次分析法计算指标权重,求出了雾灵山主要物种生态效益价值。同时在野生植物资源价值评估研究白勺基础上,利用雾灵山森林二类清查数据资料,结合野外调研与市场调查,以Microsoft Office Access 2003为开发平台、Dreamweer MX 8为开发工具,运用ASP技术,初步完成了雾灵山野生植物资源价值评估查询系统建立,可服务于野生植物资源白勺价值查询、管理与法律诉讼
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Resources and the environment for the sustainable development determine the sustainable development of mankind . Forest resources for sustainable development at the core of environmental issues are particularly important. In this context, countries in the world he launched the accounting of forest resources. As the important component of forest resources, for a long time because of lack of knowledge, the quantity and quality of wild plant resources he decreased significantly in the trend, that he seriously constrained the wild plant resources in a sustainable development and utilization. Based on the investigation of the latest research at home and abroad, the theoretical basis, the composition and the evaluation method of the value of wild plant resources were put forword. Take Wuling Mountain as the investigation base of wild plant resources, the ecosystem service value and direct value of Wuling Mountain forest was calculated, the value assesent indexes systems of the ecological value of wild plant species were improved. Else, using AHP to target weights of assesent indexes, the ecological value of the major species in Wuling mountain was computed.On the basis of the study on the valuation of Wild plant resources, using Wuling Mountain forest inventory data combined with the market research and field survey, Microsoft Office Access 2003 for the development platform, Dreamweer MX 8 for development tools, using ASP technology, the value assesent and query system of wild plant resources in Wuling Mountain is initially designed that can serve the value quiries、 management and legal proceedings about the wild plants.
论文关键词: 野生植物资源;生态效益;评价指标体系;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn wild plant resources;eco-efficiency;the assesent indexes systems;