
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-21 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn False financial reports of listed companies harmed the legitimate interests of the vast number of investors, undermining the normal order of the securities market, capital market triggered a credit crisis. How to pursue false financial reports of listed companies to civil liability, so that investors can resume relief through the exercise of their civil rights at home and abroad and scholars are studying the issue. China’s false financial reports related to civil liability legislation is still not perfect, establish and improve the system of civil liability for false financial report in the current rapid development of China’s securities market circumstances is particularly important.In this paper, the introduction of false financial reports of listed companies related to the concept of civil liability on the basis of a false financial report to the nature of civil liability, liability principle, the composition of the elements of civil liability and accountability methods were studied. The basic theory study on the basis of existing laws and regulations and judicial explanations on China’s false financial reports of listed companies for a number of civil liability system research. Text analysis on China’s current false financial reports of listed companies and the dangers of the status quo, of the false financial reports of listed companies of civil status and difficulties. Listed companies against civil liability for false financial report that difficult proposed the establishment of legal accounting litigation support system envisaged; recommendations through the establishment of special compensation fund, the establishment of liability risks Fund, the establishment of administrative fines and criminal fines to resolve the call-back system of civil compensation for listed companies implementation of difficult issues.The main innovation is against false financial reports of listed companies that difficult, difficult responsibility that the main fault, investment loss calculation proved difficult and causal relationship to the actual situation difficult to introduce legal proceedings to resolve accounting disputes.This paper studies the strengthening of China’s listed companies false financial reporting acts of civil liability and the effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of investors can provide a theoretical support and decision-making reference.
论文关键词: 上市公司;虚假财务报告;民事责任;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Listed companies;False financial reports;Civil Liability;