
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-15 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The research of the treasurer criteria’s properties play a important role in treasurer theoryand practice. Resultingly differnt scholars he different opinions in analysing issues thecustom of demonstatation and the deflection to knowledge ,so they he different attitudes inthe cognition to treasurer criteria’s property. Integrating Chinese and foreign scholars’sdissertations, there are mainly two kinds of representative issues with regard to treasurercriteria’s property: (1) Technical manual’s sight. (2) Economic consequence’s sight. The authorthinks "Technical manual’s sight "and "Economic consequence’s sight" are two extremenessesof treasurer criteria’s property. From the aspect of theory,the research of treasurer criteria’sproperty face two tasks, personal reflective thinking and the vista to future. Actually treasurercriteria’s property’s technical nature and economic consequence’s nature are interdependent:treasurer criteria’s properties he technical nature, they must be in line、systemic andconsentaneous, should inosculate with observable objective praxis; Simultaneity, treasurercriteria’s properties he economic consequence’s nature, different properties will createdifferent treasurer information, affect different main bodies’benefit, so this leads that treasurercriteria’s properties become outcomes of benefit counterparts’benefit harmony.In this way,treasurer criteria’s properties’technical nature and economic consequence’s nature has naturelyconjunctions with two philosophy notions,“technical logos”and“culture logos”,thereby thisoffers a chance for researching treasurer criteria’s properties from a philosophic notion“logos”in this paragraph. The article renewedly explains treasurer criteria’s properties usingphilosophic notion“unisonous development of technical logos and culture logos”, exerting thecombination of normative study and historical proof’s study , hopes to offer academicdirection for the establishment and execution of our country’s future treasurer criteria’sproperties.The paper indicates: treasurer criteria’s property is a institutional arrangement that hastechnical logos and culture logos simultaneity, its technical logos and culture logos areinterdependent, promoting mutually, harmoniously uniform . None but taking account oftechnical logos and culture logos simultaneity and developing them balancedly, treasurercriteria’s property can make the best of its efficacity.The paper enriches modern treasurer theory and treasurer research’s means , can offeracademic directions for treasurer practice, has some academic meaning and real value.
论文关键词: 理性;技术理性;人文理性;会计准则;性质;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn logos;technical logos;culture logos;treasurer criteria;property;