
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-04 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Along with the reform of economic system deepening unceasingly, the social economic harm from accounting frauds is increasingly obvious. It receives people’s universal attention whether the problem concerning accounting frauds can be tackled effectively.In 2001 ,China securites regulatory commission attempted to establish independent director system(IDS) ,for improving corporate internal governance,strengthening the independence of boards of directors and protecting the general investors’ benefit. However, what is the affect about implementing IDS?Is IDS effective in the respect of governing accounting frauds of the listed company in China? On researching to this problem, there are still many arguments in academic circles and practical circles at home and abroad , and there is less attention to this problem at home. Therefore, it is very important in theory and practice to study the validity of governing accounting frauds by IDS of the listed company in our country. Owing to this, this paper consults relevance theory such as economics, management science, accounting , econometrics,and applies some methods of integrating theory with practice, combining between norm analysis and demonstration analysis , combining between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis .On the basis of carrying out a document recollecting with commentary and theory perspective in the relevent problem on IDS and governing effect of accounting frauds, this paper checks the relativity between them by applying demonstration method . At last,it is concluded that effect of IDS is limited on governing accounting frauds.By probing into cause on limity of effect of IDS of the listed company in our country, relevant policies and suggestion are submitted on how to perfect IDS further. Concrete efforts of this paper can be summarized for three aspects in the following :1.By theoretical analysis ,it is concluded that improving the structure of internal corporate governance is a main way to govern accounting frauds of the listed company2.By applying demonstration method ,it is found that the possibility of setting up board of auditors in the valid companies is notable greater than that in fraudulent companiest,that there is no notable difference in the proportion of the independent director and the proportion of financial personnel between fraudulent company and valid company,that salary and withdrawing frequency of the independent director in fraudulent company are higher than valid company. By all above ,it is concluded that effect of IDS is limited on governing accounting frauds.3. The causes, which effect of IDS of the listed company in our country is limited, are analysed practically, some aspects that need to improve are pointed such as selecting and engaging mechani, stimulating and restrainting mechani, risk guarantee mechani and withdrawing mechani of the independent director, and relevant policies and suggestion are submitted on how to perfect IDS further.
论文关键词: 独立董事制度;会计舞弊;公司治理结构;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Independent Director System;Accounting Frauds;the Structure of Corporate Governance;