
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-14 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Hong Kong’s internal & external environments he been changing very rapidly. Economies of her customers in American, Europe and Japan he been doomed for long time. Developing countries are starting to develop their own industries. Thus, competitions are growing more and more serious.Enterprises for their survival strive for lower cost and higher income with every means. They seek their ways in their operations, e.g., ask every department lower their expenses, marketing department to increase their turnover, purchasing department decrease purchasing cost, while production departments he to decrease wage payable. All operations of these departments are classified as Porter’s value chain theory.All these operations are related with money. Thus, all are related with finance and accounting department, especially the costing and management accounting. Through the study of value chain we can improve productivities and lower costs. We should study what can we do here, and what are our responsibilities in this rapidly changing and cruel commercial world.Factually, finance department will be involved in management more and more. With all these management experiences and understandings to the operations, finance people come to explain the traditional financial statements more clearly and fully, getting to use operational departments’ languages.As this theme mainly studies all and medium enterprises in Hong Kong. For sing cost, finance is often delegated to handle other non-finance duties. And as finance department a collector and provider of management data and information, how they can perform their finance and management duties more effectively and perfectly.Through the whole processes, finance faces many non-finance and non-accounting problems, we he to solve them with various approaches that are very differently from our routine ways.
论文关键词: 价值链;会计责任;策略性绩效衡量制度;信息系统策略;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Value Chain;Accounting and Finance Responsibilities;Strategic Performance Valuation System;Strategic Information System;