
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-10 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Since reform and opening up, the private economy has shown a sustained, rapid and stable development trend, as economic growth and development of the main driving force. However, the management of private enterprises, particularly the serious financial management problems exist basic accounting work is weak, white bars arrived in cash, not a sound internal management system and other issues, especially ahead of income recognition, glossing over the problem very serious statements. These problems not only undermine the long-term development of private enterprises, but also restricted the development of the national economy and social progress.A group of Anhui as an example in this paper, first ge a briefing on the basic Anhui Group A, Group A of Anhui, the current state of financial management, through the same industry and the financial management of enterprises, said the Anhui A Financial Management Group in The main issues, namely, organization and functions of non-standard, imperfect financial system, financial supervision and control efforts not enough, the budget system is not perfect, the lower the quality of financial information with the island phenomenon, and the existence of the cause of the problem Carried out a detailed analysis, that is, family-style management model, the lack of financial management concepts, financial accounting unreasonable financial institutions set up internal control system is imperfect, the lower the quality of financial officers, he a weak awareness of credit risk management concept is not strong, on the basis of this proposed A group of Anhui improving the financial management of the responses: including the updating of financial management concepts, and optimize financial decision-making power, and improve the internal financial controls and financial oversight, establish a corporate culture of integrity, enhance risk management awareness and improve the quality of financial, and information sharing, standardize Incentive and restraint mechanis, the implementation of a comprehensive budget management, finance director responsible for the system. A study by the Anhui Group’s financial management, private enterprises hope to strengthen financial management help.
论文关键词: 安徽A集团;财务决策权;财务控制;财务监督;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn A Group of Anhui;Financial Decision-making Power;Financial Control;Financial Supervision;