
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-29 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn As the information management system of different administration sections in the university was developed by various companies at different times, the information processing methods and data formats are not same. This gives rise to the inefficient information sharing and updating among departments. Information isolation has seriously restrained the rapid development of the university.This thesis analyzed the financial information management process in the university with the theory of business process reconstruction. It also depicted the financial information stream of different sections that is relevant to the finance section. By using some analytical methods and tools like ERP and data diagrams, it recombine the information of different departments in universities as well as reconstruct a new financial management system, which is based on the information integration platform.The new information integration platform will integrate the financial information from Personnel section, Science & Technology section, Equipment section, etc, into a consolidated database and will storage and watch over all the financial information processing procedure effectively.This thesis also designed an automatically reimbursement procedure through network. It get financial information by scanning bar code in the invoice, which will not only reduce workload of manual audit, but also realize the data collection and financial statement production automatically.Combining with the working experience in Finance Department, the author has compared the accounting subjects currently used in the university with the audit regulations of some national scientific projects such as 863,973 and National Natural Science Foundation of China. A general template of financial statement is summarized. It can produced financial statement and audit report automatically according to the accounting projects. The financial information integration platform will effectively reduce the financial workload. It will also improve the effectiveness on quality management of financial information, distribution of fund and asset as well as delivery of charts. Based on the consolidated and effective information, all the administrative staff will make great decisions, which will improve the efficiency, effect and profit of financial management.
论文关键词: 信息平台;高校财务管理;流程再造;一体化;科研项目报表;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Information Platform;University Financial Management;Process Reengineering;Integration;Reporting Forms of Research Program;