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综合运用 探讨和实证 探讨策略,对流量表了尝试性的 探讨和案例浅析。 探讨工作以两个展开:流量表内容 探讨;流量表财务浅析探讨。试图以定性的角度来探讨流量表内容有关问题、实际案例定量浅析流量表各数据内容及指标所的企业财务情况,进而论文范文的问题一些改善倡议。
词: 企业 财务情况 流量表Abstract
The cash flow is very important to theenterprise survival and development, positive cash flow can make the businesshealthy growth, good cash flow management business is critical for businessesrise and fall. This article aims to explore a departure from the cash flowanalysis of the financial situation of enterprises an effective way.
This paper uses theoretical and empiricalresearch methods, cash flow statement for the trial of the theory and caseanalysis. Research from two aspects: Content of the cash flow statement; cashflow statement of financial analysis. This paper attempts to explore thequalitative point of view the content of statement of cash flows related totheoretical issues, combined with quantitative analysis of actual case dataelements and indicators of the cash flow statement reflects the financial position,and then the problems found in some suggestions for improvement.
Through in-depth cash flow thoroughtheoretical analysis, to fully understand and master cash flow statementcontent, and how to use a comprehensive analysis of cash flow information。the business operations and cash flow theory closely linked tothe cash flow statement is particularly important for practitioners, to preventdistortion of accounting information and cash flow management in full play theimportant role of business management are positive.
Keywords: Enterprise Financial situation Cash flows statement 目录
TOC \o "1-3" (一)、选题背景...PAGEREF _Toc288381638 (二)、 探讨目的和作用...PAGEREF _Toc288381639 (三)、论文思路及策略...PAGEREF _Toc288381640 (四)、论文结构...PAGEREF _Toc288381641 二、流量表财务浅析的...PAGEREF _Toc288381642 (一)、流量表的基本内容与结构...PAGEREF _Toc288381643 (二)、流量表财务浅析的作用与重要性...PAGEREF _Toc288381644 1、企业价值判断的指标...PAGEREF _Toc288381645 2、企业持续经营的基本保障...PAGEREF _Toc288381646 3、企业扩大再生产的资源保障...PAGEREF _Toc288381647 4、影响企业流动性强弱的决定因素...PAGEREF _Toc288381648 三、案例浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381649 (一)、X集团公司流量结构浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381650 1、流入结构浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381651 2、流出结构浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381652 3、流入流出比例浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381653 4、走势浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381654 5、创现能力分析...PAGEREF _Toc288381655 6、偿债能力浅析...PAGEREF _Toc288381656 (二)、X集团公司案列浅析的及倡议...PAGEREF _Toc288381657 1、结构问题及倡议...PAGEREF _Toc288381658 2、获现能力浅析问题及倡议...PAGEREF _Toc288381659 3、偿债能力问题及倡议...PAGEREF _Toc288381660 四、局限与展望...PAGEREF _Toc288381661 文献综述...PAGEREF _Toc288381662 文献...PAGEREF _Toc288381663 致谢...PAGEREF _Toc288381664

一、绪论(一)、选题背景流量表世界上通行的企业的财政命脉。在研读文献的上,经过回顾与整理,归纳总结了国内 探讨成果,以流量表结构及内容、流量表的各项指标浅析企业的财务情况,希望 探讨提炼出其各类决策的信息,供决策者Li Li,Tian Hong,Wen zhen-yu:《QuantitativeAnalysis of the Target Related to Cash Flow Statement》,《Thejournal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》,1999,6(2)
[25] O. Whitfield Broome:《Statement of Cash Flows: Time forChange!》,《Financial Analysts Journal》,2004,60(2)
[26] Lyn M.Fraser, Aileen Ormiston,《Understanding FinancialStatements》,Peking University Press,2010

,我要感谢我的导师宋珊珊讲师对我的悉心指导,他在学习和 探讨给了我大量的指导,并为我了良好的 探讨环境,让我学到了知识,掌握了科研的策略,也了实践锻炼的机会。导师严谨的作风、渊博的学识、悉心的指导让我受益匪浅,也将终生铭记。
,向我亲爱的的父母致以最崇高的敬意! [1]郭佳,《对流量表指标的浅析 探讨》,《价值工程》,2009年第10期
[3] 数据来源:金融界,http://stock.jrj.com.cn