
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-26 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Fair value attracts much attention from accounting academia and Practitioners. In February 2006 the Ministry of Finance issued the new accounting standard system,including a basic standard and 38 specific standards and the new system of accounting standards was requested to carry out in the listed companies first since January 1,2007.New accounting standards made a new breakthrough in many areas,among them the application of fair value can be said is the most striking aspect.We must solve the measurement Problem of fair value,FASB has issued the standard of“fair value measurements”. Since the 1970s,fair value has been becoming one of the most important parts of many accounting standards in many countries,such as International Accounting Standardsand Financial Accounting Standards in America.The Pattern of accounting measurement in our country was based solely on history cost Pattern,and the application of fair value is more prudent,little researeh has been conducted in theory,and be lack of a unified and explicit standard of the concept basis and measurement technology of the fair value,our country fair value measurement issues on the theory and practice of research is still relatively stagnant. Following the background of more fair value using in the new accounting standards,there are deep theoretical and practical significance in studying on fair value application.To begin with,this paper Introduces the research background and research significance of the fair value,and the domestic and foreign present research conditions,research methods,research ideas,the main problems solutions and so on. Then, this paper primarily discusses the concept of fair value, fair value essence attribute,fair value characteristic. Following that,this paper analyses the agen for adopting fair value and fair value reality applies in our country.Later, Put the method of determining fair value in order according to the degree of reliability,and make the reference for selecting the method of determining fair value. At last, this paper provides some proposal on perfect application of fair value in our country.
论文关键词: 公允价值;历史成本;新会计准则;估价技术;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Fair Value;Historical Cost;The New Accounting Standards;Valuation Technology;