
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-22 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Ma Steel is the largest iron and steel industry corporation in AnHui province, as one oftypical iron & steel making companies, more than 50 years developing history of Ma steel is theepitome of metallurgical industry growth in china. It has universal instructive meaning to deeplyinvestigate the sustainable quality of the financial management of Ma steel. Originated fromAmerica, financial analysis had mainly been used to provide analysis services to banks forkeeping them from loan breach risks and investigate the loaners’ credits to judge their paymentabilities at that time In the 1920s, with the growth of capital market financial analysis hasincreasingly been used to serve investors with its extended contents and information. Up to now,financial analysis has formed an integrated analyzing system. Knowing operational results andfinancial status of the company through financial analysis, which can be the basis for companyowners to make strategies and management decision. It has gained rather fruitful researchachievements along with its rapid development since imported in China. Ma Steel has achievedprofitable results in the vivid competitive market by focusing on sustainable development andfinancial management. In this paper, combining qualitative spectral analysis with quantitativecharacter analysis and using the professional analytical method such as Comparison Analysis,Ratio Analysis、Trend Analysis、The Du Port System, the author fully analyzed Ma Steel’s recentlyfinancial data to make comparison with the correlative financial data of some other steel giants,such as Shou Steel, An Steel, Bao Steel and Wu Steel. The paper analysed the sustainable abilityof Ma Steel from its fundamental, developmental and integrated aspects. The purpose of the paperis trying to find out the success and deficiency of Ma steel on its way to sustainable developmentfrom financial point of view, meanwhile, I expect this paper can provide a little reference for thefinancial management of Ma steel and its kinds.
论文关键词: 马钢股份;财务管理;可持续性;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Ma Steel;finance management;Sustainable;