
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-19 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn With the prosperous development of capital market, any information of the capital market is paid attention to by various outsiders. Certified public accountant has played the important role in the capital market, and only the list company’s financial report that has been audited by certified public accountant can supply more accurate and valuable information for the investor and other outsiders. Therefore the audit opinion ge by certified public accountant will affect various outsiders. The corporate governance achievement represents the company’s comprehensive strength and the future achievements, also it will affect certified public accountant in writing up audit opinion, because when certified public accountant write up the audit opinion to the list company, they not only care about whether the financial reports are fair and legitimate, but also pay attention to the comprehensive strength and the future development of the list company, thus the audit quality and efficiency can be improved, and the audit risk can be reduced. Therefore the research between the audit opinion type and the corporate governance achievements has practical and theoretic significance. Moreover this paper will establish an audit opinion forecast model, so that it can benefit the certified public accountant, manager and investors.This paper first reviews the theories and literatures about the audit opinion and corporate governance achievement, and the reviews determine the content of the study, and provide valuable variables, conclusions and rationales for the study of this paper. This paper defines thirteen independent invariables reflecting the corporate governance achievements, two controlled invariables and one dependent invariable reflecting whether the list company has received the standard unqualified opinion about its financial report. Then this paper tests whether there is any difference exists between the variables of the standard qualified companies and the standard unqualified companies. Then by establishing the Logistic model, this paper determines the influence of the invariables to the audit opinion. At last, on the basis of Logistic model, this paper establishes the prediction model about the type of audit opinion of the list company. Through this prediction model the forecast effect of the audit opinion type is ideal. The accuracy of the standard unqualified opinion forecast rate, the standard qualified opinion forecast rate and the synthesized forecast rate all achieve over 80%. Therefore no matter to certified public accountant, governors, investors and other outsiders, this paper has practical significance and theory value.
论文关键词: 审计意见类型;公司治理绩效指标;预测模型;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Indicators of corporate governance achievement;Audit opinion type;Prediction model;