
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-24 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn As an important accounting policy, asset impairment accounting plays an important role in industry risk reversion and improvement of accounting information quality. In recent years, the phenomenon of profit manipulation by listed companies from many internal or external reasons is serious. Therefore, it is significant of continuously perfecting asset impairment accounting in practice. The marrow of "Enterprise Accounting Standard No.8- Impairment of asset" issued by Ministry of Finance in China on 15 February,2006 is to react the real situation of enterprises’ assets, and to provide high quality and policy oriented accounting information for investors and creditors in the form of financial report. Asset impairment standard sets systematic, clear and strict prescriptions on identification, measurement and information disclosure, fully referencing international standard, considering China condition.The paper mainly used regular research method to study asset impairment accounting. On the basis of internal and international research achievements, approach to the theoretical field of asset impairment and analyze its applying in practice. In order to explain directly and accurately, the paper collected asset impairment data produced by list companies in resent years, especially around the implementation of latest Accounting standard and made preparation, analyzing its economic influence on company’s operating achievements and putting forward improving suggestions.The paper could be divided into five parts. Part 1 introduced related concepts to asset impairment accounting and its domestic and aboard developing process. Part 2 expounded on the theoretical basis of asset impairment accounting. Part 3 made preparations among the asset impairment standard, enterprise accounting system and related international standard. The forth part stresses on the influence produced by impairment of asset standard to enterprises themselves and different benefit related groups. According to the problems in practical operation and implementation environment, the last part put forward improving suggestions to asset impairment accounting.
论文关键词: 资产减值;新会计准则;资产减值准则;经济后果;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Asset impairment;Accounting standard;Impairment of asset standard;Economic influence;