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Abstract(英文摘要) Enterprises’ provision of open financial information results from the separation of enterprises’ proprietary right and managerial right. With the development of capital market, the separation of the two rights is popular day by day, which brings about extensive demand for financial information. The quality of enterprises’ financial information greatly influences the order of national economy and the stability of society. The serious harm of false financial information is paid much attention by different governments and has become key disciplinary subject researched by accounting field/realm.The causation of false financial information lies in both objective and subjective aspects. Objective factors include: imperfection in accounting laws, separation between accounting theory and practice, alternative accounting methods of economic items, etc. Subjective factors include: poor quality of accounting staff in theory and practice, accounting choice of managers’, etc. Managers’ accounting choice results from such purposes: 1. Need of capital. 2. One’s own pay and status. 3. Contending for control power over the enterprise 4.Taxation 5. Influence on laws and regulations. 6. Image of capital market. In specific practice, one way is to make advantage of alternative of national system principles and to choose proper accounting policy within the framework of the norm, so that enterprises’ financial information meets managers’ need/demand. A second way is to violate the restraint of the norm and manipulate financial information of enterprises’ situation and business achievements by using accounting policy illegally. With the consummation of systems and improved quality of accounting staff, managers’ choice of accounting becomes the main factor which influences false financial information. In china, the undeveloped securities market, imperfect disclosure system of relevant information and more manipulation of financial information than abroad by managers are the key factors, which influence the normal development of securities market and operation/performance of social<WP=7>economy. The starting point of this thesis is to analyze managers’ behior pattern in order to discover measures to optimize managers’ financial reporting behior science, this thesis points out that financial reporting behior is affected by the motive of the main reporting body’s or the managers, and that such effect is complicated and economic motive plays basic and decisive role. Thus, this thesis provides elementary analysis through such five parts as followed:Ⅰ Disclosure of financial information.This part discusses the evolution of the way of disclosing financial information, content and component of financial report, basic character/feature of financial information, and economic and social significance of disclosing true financial information.Research into the history of enterprises’ disclosing open financial information makes it clear that the evolution of disclosing financial information has three phases: disclosure of account book, of financial statement and of financial report. With continuous evolution of disclosure way, the content of disclosed information also changes correspondingly. The information of financial report has extended from basic information to general information, from single quantitative information to multi-perspective of both quantitative and qualitative information.Disclosure of true financial information has economic and social significance. From macro-perspective, disclosure of true financial information benefits optimization of resources, healthy development of capital market, government’s macro-control over market economy, and nation’s stability and unity. From micro-perspective, enterprises’ provision of true financial information benefits good image among the public, and helps investors make right investment decision to increase their wealth.Ⅱ Common analysis of financial reporting behiorBeing a special behior, financial reporting has both generality of common behior and characterist
论文关键词: 财务信息披露;财务报告行为;财务报告行为动机;
Key words(英文摘要) disclosure of financial information;financial reporting behior;motive of financial reporting behior;