
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-19 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn This dissertation unscrambles the objectives, functions and approaches of constructing an accounting control system under corporate governance, adopting system analysis and data study as its major methodology on the basis of the theories mainly related to property right, principal agent, convention, inspiration and accounting control. The conclusion is that forable corporate governance is the basis of the implementation of accounting control, and the effectiveness of accounting control is the guarantee of the healthiness of corporate governance, thus making it necessary to bring accounting control into the whole process of corporate governance.Point out: accounting control under corporate governance is a kind of accounting control idea in its broad sense,which includes not only internal accounting control but also the constraints to corporate accounting activities from those outsiders whose interests are concerned, covers not only the basic content of accounting control but also part of management control and financial control, involves not only the daily work of accounting control, but also the control on accounting work itself. Accounting control under corporate governance includes controls both under internal and external corporate governance.The former means internal accounting control relying on the board of shareholders, directorate and the management. Besides the content of traditional internal accounting control, it also includes the designs for corporate inspiration system , accounting control of the principal agent relationship and the processes of business and management inside corporation etc; After discussing the aim and attribution of accounting control system under corporate governance, this paper compartmentalizes the function of accounting control farther and stipulate how to use its right, laying emphasis on the establishment of internal systems of decision-making, inspiration, regulation and restriction to normalize the accounting behiors of the company.The latter refers to the restriction and supervision on accounting business carried out with the help of those outsiders whose interests are concerned, such as the government, creditors, market of capitals, agents and products, suppliers and customers as well as intermediary agencies. It mainly discusses the controlmethod of the government and the society supervision system on accounting behiors.In the final analysis accounting control under corporate governance, whether internal or external , involves accounting information control which includes the form and the disclosure of accounting information. The construction of an effective accounting control system should be based on reliable and useful accounting information, and one of the key components of accounting control under corporate governance is the establishment of a system of accounting information’s disclosure to change the status quo of accounting information distortion.
论文关键词: 公司治理结构;会计控制;会计信息披露;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn corporate governance;accounting control;accounting information’s disclosur;