
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-03 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn In recent years, the all and medium-sized enterprises develope fast, and they become the increasing hotspot of economic in the future. Accelerating the development of them is one of the most important-policy of economy in our country.Revenue, as a legal incumbency which we can not evade, in the development of all and medium-sized enterprises, has much effect on management decision-making and management result of all and medium-sized enterprises. Nice plan and preparation can lighten the burden of tax revenue effectively and add to the increase of the financial earning. As a result, it can maximize the legal benefit as much as possible in order to solve the choke point in the all and medium-sized enterprises effectively and lead them to develop well. This thesis tries to make a reseach from six aspects on tax planning of all and medium-sized enterprises.The first chapter, the Introduction, mainly discusses the purpose and significance about tax planning of all and medium-sized enterprises, and introduces the development and production in and out of China; and presents the ideas and methods of this thesis. The second chapter discusses the practical significance of developing the tax planning of all and medium-sized enterprises in China, and explores the space and possibilities of developing the tax planning of all and medium-sized enterprises. In the third, from the chioce of form and orgnization, decision of investing and financing and daily management of all and medium-sized enterprises, the writer studies the technology and general ways to provide reference and resolutions for them. Chapter Four analyzes and discusses the hidden reasons based on the actuality of tax planning . Chapter Five tries to find the ways to improve their ability and level of tax planning,and put forward some suggestions. Chapter Six illaborates some attentions for tax planning of all and medium-sized enterprises.
论文关键词: 中小企业;税收筹划;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn all and medium-sized enterprises;tax planning;