
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-23 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn At present, the all and medium enterprises (Es) he become the important parts in the economy of China, and effect the improvement of economic growth, employment level, and so on. How to increase the profit of Es and develop their competitiveness will be the hot issue to scholars.For Es, tax is a cost that they must pay, and thus less tax expense equals to more net profit. As Chinese market economic system and the tax law system being better and better, the cost of tax evasion is growing. And tax planning is the best choice for Es to reduce their cost. While be limited by many reasons, the tax planning in our country is still very low. The research especially from the perspective of economics about tax planning of Es is also very little.This paper starts from the definitions of Es and tax planning, studying some articles about this subject, and seeing the status quo about tax planning of Chinese Es. To find out the main idea of this status quo that tax planning of our Es is very little, from the point of internal and external environment.On the internal environment, two models of game theory are adopted to analyze the tax planning. One is between Es. Get the Nash Equilibrium of pure strategy. From this game, it can be found out that if there are no other choices of reducing the tax burden, it is the best choice that choose tax planning, that is the motive that Es choose tax planning. And the other is the game between Es and the tax department. Get the Nash Equilibrium of mixed strategy. From this game, some inflections show that affect tax planning and find out the main reason that tax planning of Es is little.On the external environment, the cost-benefit model is used to analyze the tax environment of our country. In present tax environment, the expected proceeds of tax evasion for Es are greater than zero, which means Es are profitable for tax evasion. So tax evasion maybe substitute tax planning, and then it can be shown that the tax environment of present is not conductive to tax planning for Es in our country, which is another reason that tax planning of Es is little.On the above basis, some suggestion on how to improve the tax planning of Es from the point of internal and external environment is put forward. On the external environment, China should improve the tax law and tax system further, establish and improve tax planning agency mechani and our government should give guide about tax planning. On the internal environment, Es should he a correct understanding of tax planning, and do something about the training of personnel and corporate accounting norms.
论文关键词: 中小企业;税收筹划;博弈论;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Small and medium enterprises;Tax planning;Game theory;