
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-18 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With housing price and commodity price rising, public accumulation fund for housing reforming, more and more people are more focused on buy a house with a fund, housing public fund business bloomed splendidly,and based on the change of business management form of a province, the original stand-alone information system are inadequate to meet the business increased under the new management model, the business and funds are separated under new management accounting system,and there is a big difference from the original accounting model, so the establishment of network information management system corresponding to new management mode is the central problems to be solved of the fund center.Based on the in-depth study and research of housing provident fund system, fund accounting knowledge and business knowledge, Ja development tools, Oracle database, Weblogic Server, JSP, and other related software development technology are studied systematically and comprehensively. J2EE, Weblogic server, Oracle database and JSP/Servlet/JaBean technology program are introduced as new accounting management system for resolving the problems for the province. The housing provident fund accounting system includes the modules of certificate management, ending management, book management, report Management, each module has different functions to meet the accounting requirements under the new management model.The development and application of new systems, not only meet the province’s branches of a business combination requirement under the new management model, but also in the new system model, the business of the fund center in this province will not depend on the bank’s system data, get rid of the problems of doing machine accounting only by fund center, data lag, disunion of data and services and so on. The system separates an independent fund management sub-system from the previous financial management system:the separation of accounting and financial accounting. The new system improves the quality of the housing provident fund management, meanwhile it is not only propitious to management of financial and business and obtains information timely, but also can be beneficial to the centre for the provident fund card which is not then attached to bank card.
论文关键词: 住房公积金;会计核算;J2EE;Weblogic;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Housing Provident Fund;accounting;J2EE;Weblogic;