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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Since 20th century 90’s some OECD countries he adopted accrual basis in government budgeting and accounting, which obtain apparent effects in improving government management.For a long time, budget accounting of our country is taken as the important tool of budget management, mainly for the allocation and application of budget fund. Cash-based measurement can basically satiy the requirement of budget revenue and outlay management. But with the change of budget accounting environment, the existing budget accounting institution has exposed more and more limitations. It is inevitable for the adoption of accrual-based measurement to enhance our government performance and establish modern government managerial system.Seen through the surface, the reform of budgeting and accounting is a technical problem, but a sound and transparent budgeting & accounting is the basis of good government and public sectors administrative structure. Under the economical globalization, a government is just a gigantic "company", which should based on market and leaded by output. Stand on the point of view on "entrepreneurial government", the adopting of accrual basis is the key to achieve "accountable management" of our government.Government budgeting & accounting reform is not only a economical problem, but also a political problem. We should draw lessons from international reform experiences and take the china-style road-the "stage-by-stage-going" way of the reformation from producing condition by the improvement of the existing system to kernel reformation in the change of measurement basis. The reform the classification setup of government revenue and outlay is the reform premise. The establishment of the government financial accounting system is the reform basis. Finally we can progressively expand accrual basis reformation, up to constitute accrual government accounting, accrual government financial reporting and accrual government budgeting.
论文关键词: 政府受托责任;政府会计;权责发生制;政府预算;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Government accountability;Government accounting;Accrual basis;Government budgeting;