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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Accounting supervision of the public company is the most part of security market regulation. If public company hasn’t been well regulated it will prick up illegal actions, and so it will impair the interests of investors and breach of the order of security markets.The country’s capital market development is different, In western developed countries especially the U.S. , accounting supervision of capital markets in the forefront.In 20th century , accounting fraud cases had emerged in several countries,So American congress legislated the Sarbanes-Oxley act in 2002, which lied in protecting the investors’benefits. This bill has strengthened the supervision of the public company’s accountants from many aspects.With the rapid advance of international economic integration, deepening economic reform in China and scale development with capital market, accounting fraud cases of the public company are often heard。At the same time , since 2008 , the financial crisis caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis give the global financial markets a huge impact. international and domestic economic and financial environment are more complex, regulators must be more effective. the deepening of economic restructuring and the environment becomes more complex, give accounting supervision which ensur the healthy operation of the capital market higher requirements.We should realize that the happening of accounting fraud cases proved the importance and urgency of accounting supervision, and both set the request of how to unceasingly profited from the overseas advanced experience in order to strengthen the company’s accounting supervision and construct effective supervision pattern which suited the Chinese national condition.This article takes the standard research primarily and is divided into five parts altogether. The first part is a foreword part. The second part is the theoretic basis about public company accounting supervision. The third part is“Sarbanes– Oxley Act of 2002”—accounting supervision’s reform analysis and its influence on American accounting supervision. The fourth part is the Chinese profiting from“Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002”. Finally, the article proposed the concept of establishing an effective accounting.
论文关键词: 会计监管;萨班斯法案;会计监管模式;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn accounting supervision of public companies;Sarbanes– Oxley Act of 2002;accounting supervision pattern;