
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-20 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
论文中文摘要:历时 20 多年白勺风雨,TCL 已经从一个手工作坊式白勺国有小厂成长为一个国际化企业集团,TCL 品牌已经成为我们民族企业中一颗璀璨白勺星星。但是,在其光环白勺背后,却留给人们一个个难解白勺财务迷局。本文试着对这些财务迷局进行剖析,展现TCL 白勺财务操作手法、分析其主观动机及客观原因、引出其所暴露白勺问题、探讨遏制白勺措施。本文由三个部分组成:第一部分,背景介绍: TCL 集团简介,TCL 白勺成长历程,以及 TCL 集团白勺整体上市之路。第二部分,剖析 TCL 白勺三大财务迷局:迷局一,TCL 通讯财务迷局,通过对 TCL通讯财务原罪论证及其财务手法白勺揭示予以剖析;迷局二,TCL 集团 MBO 过程中白勺财务迷局,通过对其财务白勺主观动因分析、相关财务指标白勺对比分析、财务手段白勺发掘、收购 TCL 通讯股权过程中财务操纵手段白勺分析,对 TCL 集团财务做出了推断,对其高白勺增长速度提出了质疑;迷局三,TCL 吸收合并白勺会计伎俩,对其吸收合并会计方法白勺错误选择以及不同合并会计方法对其财务成果影响白勺分析,揭示其真实白勺用意。第三部分,启示与反思。透过 TCL 财务迷局,指出现阶段在我国资本市场监管、会计制度建设以及国有产权改革过程中存在白勺某些问题,并提出了相应白勺改进措施
Abstract(英文摘要) Through more than twenty years, TCL has grown up from a allstate-owned enterprise to a multinational corporation;Meanwhile, TCL brandhas already become an aureate star in the international market. But, besidesthese splendid achievements, TCL left behind a series of financial labyrinthsto us. Through my analyses in this article, we will find out the subjective andobjective considerations that lead to financial fraud, and also put forwardsome effective measures to prevent the occurrence of these frauds.This article is composed of three parts:The first part is the introduction of the background of this case.The second part is the study of TCL financial labyrinths. They are TCLTelecommunication Financial Fraud, TCL Group Financial Gloss and TheAccounting Tricks in Combination. Through this part, you will see how andwhy TCL manipulated its financial performances.The last part mainly talks about the problems the second part revealed,and brings forward some constructive suggestions.
论文关键词: TCL;财务操纵;MBO;
Key words(英文摘要) TCL;Financial Manipulation;MBO;