
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-22 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn From a macro perspective, the 21st century is the era ofknowledge-based economy.In this era, economic growth and wealth creationwill not mainly rely on the investigation and consumption of material , butmainly on knowledge. As carriers of knowledge ,human resources willbecome the fundamental factors affecting the survival and development ofenterprises. However,it is impossibletoreflect theprofitabilitylevel andthemanagement strength tuly only according to the data which the traditionalaccounting information system provides, therefore we really need tointroduce human resource accounting. Human resource accounting hasexpanded its bond widely after an era with rapid development . Thesuccesul practice of human resource accounting will stimulate thecreativity and enthusia of human resources . Meanwhile, the traditionalaccounting system will he a major change, human resource accountingwill become the mainstream of developing economic in either theory orpractice.Our Oil field Enterprise must introduce human resources accountingactivelyif we want to achieve faster development and deep-seated reform ofthereorganization.Humanresourcesaretheleadingresourcesintheoilfieldenterprise management , the oil field enterprise’s whole development benefitare decided by development and utilization of staff. Therefore, in order to realizes the entire oil deposit economic efficiency maximization in the oilfield enterprise management, we he to conducts the human resources costmanagement research, develops the staff latent huge energy, enhances thehumanresourcesinvestmentbenefit.Thispaperisdividedintosixparts.First chapteristheintroduction,hassummarized the selected topic basis, the research goal, the significance, andthe background; Second chapter, introduced human resources accountant’sbranch - - human resources cost accounting in detail; Third chapter,in thebasis of understand the theory of human resources management , I explaintheapplication and evaluationofhuman resources accountingintheoil fieldenterprise ; Fourth chapter, elaborated briefly the human resources costaccounting’s basic principle, the subject establishment, the item disposalprocedureanddisclosureintheoilfieldenterprise.Fifthchapter,Ididsomeapplied research combined concrete cases and proposed the relatedcountermeasure and the suggestion in view of the oil field enterprises; Sixthchapteristheconclusionpart.In brief, this paper takes the practices of implementing reservoirmanagement in oil field enterprises as the foundation,establishes humanresources cost management system and relevant method models. This articlemakes studies on the application and the countermeasures of these models,and enhances to provide a new method for the oil field enterprises whenpracticing reservoir management strategy and improving the cost benefit ofhumanresources.
论文关键词: 油田企业;人力资源成本会计;核算体系;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Oil field enterprise;Human resources cost accounting;Calculationsystem;