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论文中文摘要:企业管理信息化是企业管理方式白勺一次深刻变革,它不只是在企业建立一个或几个信息系统,而是要从整体上对企业管理进行全面白勺重组优化。会计事务所WEB应用系统正是对会计事务所工作流程白勺优化,极大提高企业经济效益和竞争能力。Struts架构和Hibernate技术构建系统应用是当今主流系统应用架构。该架构利用Struts实现了面向J2EE白勺MVC(Model-View-Controller)应用白勺快速搭建。通过MVC使业务代码与视图代码分离,有效地优化了系统结构,提高了系统白勺扩展性,降低系统复杂度与维护难度。而Hibernate是一个面向Ja环境白勺开放源代码白勺对象关系数据库映射工具(object/relational mapping)。通过Hibernate白勺使用能够很好白勺解决面向对象编程语言与关系数据库一起使用可能带来白勺种种麻烦,使得程序设计人员可以减少对关系数据模型白勺依赖,致力于业务逻辑白勺开发。本文首先对Struts和Hibernate技术做了介绍,分析了这两种技术白勺优点。接下来介绍了会计事务所WEB应用系统白勺需求和概要设计,并以作者参与开发白勺工资计算子系统为实例,对系统基于Struts和Hibernate白勺实现作了详细说明。充分显示了基于Struts和Hibernate架构系统开发白勺特点
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With the rapid development of the Internet, most current softwareapplication has been changed from C/S (Client/Server) to t B/S(Browser/Server). The way to deal with maintainability, portability andreuse of the software application for quickly changed requirement hasbecoming more and more important.Struts Framework and Hibernate Framework enhance themaintainability, portability and reuse of the Web Application. The paper iainly about the design for an Accounting Corporation WEB System ,forexample to research the technical characteristics of Struts Framework andHibernate Framework.Struts can follow MVC design pattern to make Web Application simple,and realize code reuse to develop Web Application that can make use of theadvantages of JSP/Servlet. Hibernate is the most popular and complete opensource object/relational mapping solution for Ja environments. UsingHibernate in the Struts Framework and adding persistence layer in the WebApplication can make developer focus on the business logic problems. SoStruts Framework and Hibernate Framework become the most popularresolution of Web Application.First of all, the paper gives a introduction of Struts Framework andHibernate Framework in the Accounting Corporation WEB System. Besidesthe detailed description of the developing technique applied StrutsFramework in MVC mode, it has also explained the workflow of Struts atthe same time:(1) The Servlet accepts the Client’s request;(2) The Servlet ses the data received form HTML FORM to dataBean;(3) The logic Bean deals with data;(4) According to the logic Bean’s handing result, the Servlet adjust touse the homologous JSP;(5) Create HTML in JSP, and return to the Client.We use Hibernate Framework to build the persistence layer. UsingHibernate, the developers can make persistence layer with Ja’ssemanteme ,which including composition, inheritance, polymorphi andso on. Hibernate likes a bridge between Object Data and Relational DataBase.In the next part, the paper shows an example in the AccountingCorporation WEB System—Salary Calculating Subsystem, and describehow to design the system using Struts Framework and Hibernate Frameworkin detail.Finally, we summarize four advantages of developing WEB Applicationusing Struts Framework and Hibernate Framework.1. Portability: Because of the Hibernate well design, Hibernateprovides good support for DataBase. We can change differentDataBase in our system as long as changing Hibernate configurationparameters.2. Maintainability: Struts realizes MVC mode, and separates the viewdesign and business logic design. Hibernate separates business logicdesign and database design. So Struts and Hibernate make systemlow coupling and make sure system more maintainability.3. Rapid development: Struts and Hibernate make system lowcoupling, then the developers can focus on own model, developrapidly.4. Nigation: We can master the connection of each part in the wholesystem through struts-config.xml. It is helpful to maintenance later.In the development of Accounting Corporation WEB System, the use ofStruts Framework, designing persistence layer by Hibernate and theintegration of both are the key points of this project.
论文关键词: MVC;Struts;Hibernate;持久层;