
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-02 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The goal of grid computing is to integrate all kinds of resources, including computing devices, storage devices and other scientific instruments, into grid environments to provide a virtual super-computer to grid users. At present grid computing has become the infrastructure of high performance computing. In such situations, it’s necessary and significant to provide monitoring and accounting services for grid resources. The grid monitoring and accounting system can support grid resource scheduling and performance optimization, resulting in the performance improvements of grid systems. So the research of Grid Monitoring and accounting is meaningful and valuable.This paper focuses on the key technologies of grid monitoring and accounting system and describes the design and implementation of CnGridEye, which is the monitoring system for China National Grid. Firstly, this paper designs an integrated monitoring architecture to manage all the distributed and heterogeneous resources in a unified manner. It collects status information for all kinds of grid resources which are distributed in different management domains and different geographical locations. It then organizes the data in a layered manner and stores them in distributed locations in order to provide effective access to them. Secondly, this paper adopts a solution to dynamically deploy sensors to grid monitoring systems in order to reduce the efforts afford to deployment and maintenance of sensors. CnGridEye uses sensor containers to support the on-demand deployment of sensors. The sensor container can downloads needed sensors from remote sensor repository and manage them automatically. Finally, this paper studies on the accounting and billing issues in grid systems and designs an extensible charging framework which employs the concept of charging policy to support flexible pricing and charging methods. The framework can be easily integrated into existing grid systems. CnGridEye has been deployed and tested in CnGrid environment.
论文关键词: 网格;资源监控;网格记账;计费;资源信息模型;CnGridEye;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Grid;resource monitoring;grid accounting;charging;resource information model;CnGridEye;