
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-07 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn In 1950s financial lease was initiated in USA and now has been widely exploited in many countries. It develops quickly and vigorously in western countries, and in 1981 it was introduced to our country. Due to factors of planning economic system and financial environment, and of management problems of enterprises themselves, financial lease does not exert its role quite well in China. Hence, it’s necessary to discuss the problems of financial lease in our country and it’s of practical meaning to find out tactics to solve those problems.In this paper, the author gets started from the theory of financial lease, and with statistics regression analysis testifies the importance of developing financial lease; and further more deepens the study from the current state of this industry, and illustrates the urgency and fine opportunities of developing financial lease now; from two layers of macro environment and micro management, manifests the problems existing and specifies the problems in their extent of urgency and importance and then puts forward his conclusion; at last on the base of succesul experience of foreign countries, the author draws out suggestions for the development of financial lease in our country.Currently there are stills lots of problems faced by the industry of financial lease in our country. The problems concerning macro environment are unsound accounting system, lack of preferable tax policies, time lag of legislation, and ineffective supervision. The management problems are inefficient integrating ability, low intensive degree, unvaried management model, lack of capital, obsolete ideas, and shortage of capable human resource. This author in this article pins at those problems and suggests how to develop the financial lease in our country so that it will contribute more to the fast and healthy development of the economy of our country.
论文关键词: 融资租赁业;现状;问题;对策;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn financial lease industry;current state;problems;suggestions;