
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-12 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Robert Bresson not only is the most famous French director now, also is one of characteristic directors in the world. His work developed the severe,minimalist style with which he became identified and which altered only over the years,though his subjects and sources ranged widely.This“system”,which Bresson called le cinematographe,arose out of his desire to make the cinema express the ineffable ,to give it what he called“an interior movement.”The aphoris distinguish between his system of le cinematographe which he associated with abatraction and precision,with music and painting ,from that or cinema,which he associated with theatre,with fraudulent realiand facile psychology.His work do not belong any movie movement. Aside from a short musical comedy, Robert Bresson made only thirteen film over forty years,a corpus or unparalleled stylistic consistency and influnence.This book is ,Note on Cinematography. He has keen humanistic care chartered accountant.His films focus on the people who was in the spirit and living puzzedom. Studying Robert Bresson’movie has the certain inspiration significance. It may help us to realize how to find pure film,how to adapt literature. This paper will analyze his artistic creation from four aspects.The first part is the background of Robert Bresson’movie.A director’s movie language and the movie idea he the inseparable relation with his historical environment, the cultural environment, as well as the personal experience. The tradition French profound culture background,the French film background are Robert Bresson’spiritual origin. Robert Bresson movie has one kind of distinguishable personality and innnovates apersonality trait. Robert Bresson begun his film cause in World WarⅡ.He shot his prophase films The Angels of Sin and The Ladies of the Bois de Boulogne.The second part is“cinema of auteaurs”Robert Bresson.Robert Bresson is a pure auteurs.He arrange a series of factors.He sponsors le cinematographe and stick it out.One of element of Bresson’is his of what he call“modele”:non-professional trained in neutral line readings,automaticgestures,andemotional inexpressiveness.He scrupulouly oids establishing shots,minimizes the movement of both camera and players, limits camera angles and distances.The resulting environment becomes a neutral ground for Bresson,s charged images of gestures and glances,of isolated objicts and empty spaces,of parts of the body(hand and feet especially)and the oft-remarked doors he frequently fixes on-never merely doors in Bresson,s cinema ,but portals for the soul. He is accomplished in voice-off,the sound of circumstance, music.These elements which arranged by Robert Bresson show a special grity .All these work provokes reflection.The third part is the Chistian theme. Robert Bresson’movie has evident Chistian theme. Bresson emphasis on spiritual and physical confinement,focused on the possibility of grace,the impossibility of salvation,the despairing people.These produce one kind or strong tragedy connection in Bresson’work and represent the people’in dilemma after World WarⅡ.The fourth part is Bresson and Dostoevsky. Bresson has adapted much literature an and has great characteristic progress.He has ever adapted Dostoevsky’two novels.At this level,we can seek a kinship between them. Bresson has more sensitive to Dostoevsky’literature. We can see yet deeply personal works,one can discern affinities of inspiration in Dostoevsky’novel.
论文关键词: 罗伯特·布莱松;模特;特写;宗教主题;陀思妥耶夫斯基;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Robert Bresson;model;close up;Chistian theme;Dostoevsky;