Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn With the global application of IAS, to adapt the new economic environment, new Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises were announced by Ministry of Finance People’s Republic of China in February 2006, which enforce listed company since January 1st, 2007. And it also encourages other enterprises to carry out the new rules. This paper to be discussed is the new criteria in the previous guidelines and measures on the accounting system in a major difference - the fair value measurement."Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - the basic norms", the fair value measurement, assets and liabilities in accordance with the fair trade, the two sides are familiar with the transaction voluntary exchange of assets or liquidation of the amount of debt measures.Under the new accounting standards, in addition to investment in real estate, financial instruments such as the confirmation and measurement. Also other criteria he been introduced several times in the fair value measurement, as in the biological assets, debt restructuring, fixed assets, a merger, the exchange of non-monetary assets, such as the introduction of a number of fair value measurement.The new guidelines in a fair value measurement of the current problems being put forth some of the industry and investors that the introduction of the concept of fair value, to reflect the true situation of enterprise assets, and help stakeholders make better decision-making; but there are also part of investors and professionals that the use of fair value measurement is only part of enterprises to manipulate accounting statements and whitewash, providing a convenient, in our current economic environment, the introduction of fair value measurement is are both advantages and disadvantages. Based on listed companies in 2007 Center Daily News analysis of the confirmation and measurement of financial instruments and real estate investment criteria, and the original accounting system and international financial reporting standards, the focus of the new accounting standards in the recognition and measurement of financial instruments and investment Real estate criteria in the guidelines for changes in fair value of listed companies and the impact of the application of research that use of fair value more accurately reflect the true market value, although in the early stages of implementing the new guidelines, investors there may be misleading, China’s accountants may also feel that an appropriate way, but as the market matures, the sound system and the implementation of the environment ripe for such a situation will gradually improve, we need to do is to train and build up a good implementation of environmental guidelines.
论文关键词: 公允价值;新会计准则;上市公司;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Fair value;New Chinese Accounting standards;Listed Companies;
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn With the global application of IAS, to adapt the new economic environment, new Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises were announced by Ministry of Finance People’s Republic of China in February 2006, which enforce listed company since January 1st, 2007. And it also encourages other enterprises to carry out the new rules. This paper to be discussed is the new criteria in the previous guidelines and measures on the accounting system in a major difference - the fair value measurement."Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - the basic norms", the fair value measurement, assets and liabilities in accordance with the fair trade, the two sides are familiar with the transaction voluntary exchange of assets or liquidation of the amount of debt measures.Under the new accounting standards, in addition to investment in real estate, financial instruments such as the confirmation and measurement. Also other criteria he been introduced several times in the fair value measurement, as in the biological assets, debt restructuring, fixed assets, a merger, the exchange of non-monetary assets, such as the introduction of a number of fair value measurement.The new guidelines in a fair value measurement of the current problems being put forth some of the industry and investors that the introduction of the concept of fair value, to reflect the true situation of enterprise assets, and help stakeholders make better decision-making; but there are also part of investors and professionals that the use of fair value measurement is only part of enterprises to manipulate accounting statements and whitewash, providing a convenient, in our current economic environment, the introduction of fair value measurement is are both advantages and disadvantages. Based on listed companies in 2007 Center Daily News analysis of the confirmation and measurement of financial instruments and real estate investment criteria, and the original accounting system and international financial reporting standards, the focus of the new accounting standards in the recognition and measurement of financial instruments and investment Real estate criteria in the guidelines for changes in fair value of listed companies and the impact of the application of research that use of fair value more accurately reflect the true market value, although in the early stages of implementing the new guidelines, investors there may be misleading, China’s accountants may also feel that an appropriate way, but as the market matures, the sound system and the implementation of the environment ripe for such a situation will gradually improve, we need to do is to train and build up a good implementation of environmental guidelines.
论文关键词: 公允价值;新会计准则;上市公司;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Fair value;New Chinese Accounting standards;Listed Companies;