
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-01 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The direction ofthe revolution ofChinaaccounting system isthe internationalization of accounting standard.Since1992,consulting international accountingstandard andinternationalrule,aiming at the economic development in China and basing on the conception of the guidance and operationality. The Ministry of Finance has issued several editions of accounting rule, which constructs a series of accounting standard. On February 15th 2006, the Ministry of Finance issued the newest accounting rule and auditing rule, which constituted the newest accounting standard. This paper, contrast the international accounting standard, makes the research onthecoordinationbetweenChinanewestaccountingstandardand international accounting standard. Accounting coordination usually consists two main aspects: rule coordination and practice coordination. Concerning rule coordination, this paper, through the research from two different points of view, analyzes the differences between the items of the accounting rules and measures the distance according to the differences. Theresearchof practice coordination continues theresearchof rule coordination. This paper uses an empirical study to find a conclusion. This paper constructs a model of hypothesis test, the data of which comes from the listed company. Making use of the knowledge of statistic, we can get the result about the model. Then through the logical relationship between sample and population, we can validate the practice coordination. The research of this paper gives the comparison basis for the perfect of China accounting standard, describes the direction of the future revolution of China accounting standard. Hope the research gives the help to China accounting internationalization.
论文关键词: 新会计准则;协调度研究;国际会计标准;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn accounting rules of 2006;research on coordination;international accounting standard;