
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-14 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Commercial banks accounted for the traner of funds within the Western theory of modern commercial banks asset-liability management theory and management accounting theory of combining the product originated in North America, commercial banks, development so far, most advanced international banks he established a sound internal funds traner pricing system. An effective internal funds pricing system, commercial banks will help achieve the separation of market risk management and credit risk management, will focus on market risk to the professional sector management; can provide direct product pricing based on improving product pricing power; products, accounts , Departments, branches of the basis of performance assesent, help to evaluate the various branches of commercial banks and business line performance level is also conductive headquarters policies to guide the branches of an effective tool.With the development of market-oriented interest rates, China’s further opening up the financial industry, from domestic and foreign competition in the industry with more incentives, the Construction Bank is faced with severe challenges in the comprehensive management of assets and liabilities of the increasing demands at the same time, China Construction Bank has been followed the difference between the internal funds management model increasingly exposed the inherent flaws, therefore, learn from advanced management experience of commercial banks, the establishment of an efficient functioning of the internal funds traner pricing system has been in full without delay. In recent years, the CCB is committed to funding reform, the internal traner of funds will improve the pricing model is a longer course of practice.In this paper, the internal traner of funds from the general analysis of valuation, on an internal traner of funds denominated in the definition, origin, function and principles, introduced the internal traner of funds denominated in the West Bank’s commercial application of practice. Then on the current internal traner of funds denominated bank to streamline the implementation of the programme, including full-denominated funds within the basic content of pricing principles, examples of full valuation and management of the difference between the comparison and pointed out that implementation of the programme to simplify the problems that exist in . Finally, develop a complete and timely adjustment of the price of internal funds, formulate a scientific method of pricing the internal resources, improve the supporting measures within the tripartite face of the Construction Bank of funds to optimize the full pricing proposal.At present the banking industry within the domestic funds traner pricing of most of the commercial banks accounted for the traner of the general research-based, to specific commercial banks less on the specific research. In this paper, the characteristics is learn from their predecessors on the basis of relevant research, combine with the author’s experices in the head department of china construction bank,he made forward-looking bank internal market funds denominated in full mode of operation and implementation steps. Among the deficiencies lies in the fact that the yield curve on internal funds and applied research and build enough depth, depend on further study and improve.
论文关键词: 建设银行;内部资金;转移计价;曲线;运作模式;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn china construction bank;inter-bank fund;traner pricing;the rate curve;the operation pattern;