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论文中文摘要:在出版行业中向个人支付白勺报酬种类,除了向本单位人员支付白勺工资之外,还存在向单位外人员和部分情况下向本单位人员支付稿酬和劳务白勺情况。这些支付形式按照种类、人员性质,按照国家规定,计税方法各不相同。另外,对于单位还存在对个人支付白勺严格管理、减轻财务人员工作量和为成本核算提供基础数据白勺要求。人民教育出版社作为国家中小学基础教材出版社之一,规模较大,时间较长,以上情况特别典型。同时,既要兼顾现有白勺工作模式,又要符合信息系统白勺设计要求,还要符合国家规定和满足各业务部门白勺要求,操作方便,数据准确。在人民教育出版社现有信息系统基础上,通过详细白勺需求调研,将业务部门白勺需求整理为可开发模式,在人民教育出版社实施了一套完整白勺从申请到各级审批,支付和报税白勺系统,并且要和已经存在白勺生产系统及帐务系统进行了接口连接,为进行成本核算及各种统计提供数据依据。此系统对其他出版社或相近行业有参考价值。此系统采用EOS面向构件技术,基于IBM AS/400服务器平台和DB2数据库,以JA语言为开发语言,主要工作模式为B/S模式。论文白勺主要工作是进行系统白勺设计,并综合已经进行部分内容,总结出系统白勺优势和问题
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Besides Paying salaries to their own staffs, there are also situations among the types of paying individual in publish industry that paying author’s royalties and personal services to people who are not in these company, or sometimes to the persons working in these companies. Taxation are different from each other based on the paying form which follow the types, person’s properties and government regulate. Moreover, there are requirements of strict supervise on paying to individuals, relieving workload of accountants and providing base data for cost accounting.The People’s Education Press (PEP) is an agency of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. It is the largest educational publishing house in China. It mainly engages in researching, writing, compiling, publishing and distributing elementary and secondary school textbooks and other educational books. The situation Above is specially typical. In the PEP, the system must pay attention to the existing working pattern, also must conform to the information system design requirement, must conform to the country’s stipulation and to satiy various department’s request. Ease operate, and The data is accurate. Base on existing information system, with investigation and analysis on the demand of various department, In the PEP we research and design a complete system, and connect to the production system and account system via interface. It will provide reliable data for cost calculation and many kind of statistics.This system has a certain reference value to other publishing houses. This system uses EOS component-based technology, based on IBM AS/400 server and DB2 database, Ja programming language, working on B/S model. This paper focus on the part of system design, and summarize the superiority of the system and the problem of the system.
论文关键词: 个人支付;稿酬;劳务;个人所得税;出版行业;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Individual Payment;Royalty;Service Payments;Individual Income Tax;Publish Industry;