Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn For a long time, the historical cost he been the essential attribute in accounting measurements, but with the development of social economy, especially lots of new trade and transactions come forth,it is difficult for historical cost to cope with the situation gradually. To keep the quality of accounting information useful, all the standard-making institutions try to measure all the items by fair value. Although there are lots of difficulties and resistances, the research on fair value is progressing.Since the 1990s, the fair value has become the focus of international accounting research, but there are also many debates at present,it is not unified in fair value’s understanding.Nowadays in the environment of innovation of market and finance, especially the transaction of derivatives made the historical cost useless, fair value has become the only relevant measurement attribute. The use of fair value is also a key step that we get close to internationalization. Lots of researches show that the fair value plays an important role in improving the quality of accounting information, promoting international convergence of accounting standards in China, and establishing our country’s full market economy status.Ministry of Finance published new accounting standards on Feb 15,2006, which brings fair value.And then how to prevent the management authority form using fair value to manipulate profits, how to build up a perfect market environment which is fit for fair value’s use, how to consummate the mechani of supervision and evaluation, become the most important questions that we must solve at present.This paper has carried on the data analyses on the fair value’s application in the listed companies of our country in 2007, found the problems existed in fair value’s application, and put forward measures to improve it. The findings indicates that fair value’s application has enhanced the accounting information’s relevance to a certain extent and promoted the accounting standards’internationlization, but it is restrainted by our country’s actual national conditions, there are also many problems. Fair value is a focus of domestic and foreign accounting research, to discuss in this question has vital practical significance to help to explore the law of accounting development, consummate the accounting theory and promote fair value’s utilization.This paper is divided into five chapters:Chapter 1: Introduction. Firstly, it explains why the fair value is so important, and then describes the purpose and research significance of this paper. Secondly, shows the main domestic and foreign literatures on fair value. Thirdly,describes the research ideas and research methods of this paper.Chapter 2: The basic thoeries of fair value. Firstly,explains the importance of accounting measurement attribute.Secondly,discusses the definition of measurement attributes and the relationship between fair value and the traditional measurement attributes.Thirdly, describes the fair value measurement attribute’s characteristics and fair value’s concrete determination methods.Finally, shows the theoretical basis of fair value.Chapter 3: Analyses on fair value’s application in the new accounting standards. Fair value is mainly used in the new accounting standards in eight aspects: Financial instruments’ confirmation and measurement, investment real estate, non-currency property exchange, debt reorganization, business combination, stock payment, long-term equity investment, consolidated financial statement.Chapter 4:The data analyses on the fair value application in the listed companies of our country. Firstly, has analyzed how fair value affects in the old-to-new accounting standards tranormation.Secondly, has analyzed how fair value affects the net assets and the net profits of the listed companies in 2007, and then has selectively analyzed on the subject of fair value’s dramatic profits and loss. Thirdly,discusses the fair value’s service condition in the specific items, such as financial instruments’ confirmation and the measurement, the investment real estate, the non-currency property exchange, the debt reorganization, the business combination.Chapter 5:Conclusion. Synthesizing the above analyses, summarizes the questions which exist in the fair value’s appliacation and finds ways to improve it.
论文关键词: 上市公司;公允价值;计量属性;新会计准则;运用效果;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn the listed companies;fair value;measurement attribute;new accounting standards;implementation effect;
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn For a long time, the historical cost he been the essential attribute in accounting measurements, but with the development of social economy, especially lots of new trade and transactions come forth,it is difficult for historical cost to cope with the situation gradually. To keep the quality of accounting information useful, all the standard-making institutions try to measure all the items by fair value. Although there are lots of difficulties and resistances, the research on fair value is progressing.Since the 1990s, the fair value has become the focus of international accounting research, but there are also many debates at present,it is not unified in fair value’s understanding.Nowadays in the environment of innovation of market and finance, especially the transaction of derivatives made the historical cost useless, fair value has become the only relevant measurement attribute. The use of fair value is also a key step that we get close to internationalization. Lots of researches show that the fair value plays an important role in improving the quality of accounting information, promoting international convergence of accounting standards in China, and establishing our country’s full market economy status.Ministry of Finance published new accounting standards on Feb 15,2006, which brings fair value.And then how to prevent the management authority form using fair value to manipulate profits, how to build up a perfect market environment which is fit for fair value’s use, how to consummate the mechani of supervision and evaluation, become the most important questions that we must solve at present.This paper has carried on the data analyses on the fair value’s application in the listed companies of our country in 2007, found the problems existed in fair value’s application, and put forward measures to improve it. The findings indicates that fair value’s application has enhanced the accounting information’s relevance to a certain extent and promoted the accounting standards’internationlization, but it is restrainted by our country’s actual national conditions, there are also many problems. Fair value is a focus of domestic and foreign accounting research, to discuss in this question has vital practical significance to help to explore the law of accounting development, consummate the accounting theory and promote fair value’s utilization.This paper is divided into five chapters:Chapter 1: Introduction. Firstly, it explains why the fair value is so important, and then describes the purpose and research significance of this paper. Secondly, shows the main domestic and foreign literatures on fair value. Thirdly,describes the research ideas and research methods of this paper.Chapter 2: The basic thoeries of fair value. Firstly,explains the importance of accounting measurement attribute.Secondly,discusses the definition of measurement attributes and the relationship between fair value and the traditional measurement attributes.Thirdly, describes the fair value measurement attribute’s characteristics and fair value’s concrete determination methods.Finally, shows the theoretical basis of fair value.Chapter 3: Analyses on fair value’s application in the new accounting standards. Fair value is mainly used in the new accounting standards in eight aspects: Financial instruments’ confirmation and measurement, investment real estate, non-currency property exchange, debt reorganization, business combination, stock payment, long-term equity investment, consolidated financial statement.Chapter 4:The data analyses on the fair value application in the listed companies of our country. Firstly, has analyzed how fair value affects in the old-to-new accounting standards tranormation.Secondly, has analyzed how fair value affects the net assets and the net profits of the listed companies in 2007, and then has selectively analyzed on the subject of fair value’s dramatic profits and loss. Thirdly,discusses the fair value’s service condition in the specific items, such as financial instruments’ confirmation and the measurement, the investment real estate, the non-currency property exchange, the debt reorganization, the business combination.Chapter 5:Conclusion. Synthesizing the above analyses, summarizes the questions which exist in the fair value’s appliacation and finds ways to improve it.
论文关键词: 上市公司;公允价值;计量属性;新会计准则;运用效果;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn the listed companies;fair value;measurement attribute;new accounting standards;implementation effect;