
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-16 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn The objective is not only to provide decision-making related informationfor the external information users such as investors and creditors, but also to distribute the resource better. Therefore, the accounting information is most important .On the case of distortion on accounting information, the thesis has the realistic important signification .In this thesis ,the author points out the close relarionship between the corporation governance and the accouting information ,so we must improve the accouting information by perfecting the improcorporation governance.However, according to the realities of our country,there are a serious of problems in the corporation governance especially in exterior governance,all the problems result in poor quality of the accounting information.In this thesis we focus on analysising the present situation of the corporate governance,then improvement measures is given.The improving of corporation governance can not be done in a short time.lt still needs enormous efforts.In the end,with the mordern enterprise system established,the quality of corporation accouting imformation must be improved.
论文关键词: 公司治理;会计信息质量;委托;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn corporation governance;accounting information quality;inner personcontrolling;Principle-Agent Theory;