
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-18 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn In the past 20 years, the theory of asymmetric information has already become the frontiers edge of economics research. Using asymmetric information theory as a tool to study the problems arising out of real life and proposing feasible solutions to such problems he become the hot spot. Applying the asymmetric information theory to the analysis of accounting information market, we can better analyze and understand the market failure of accounting market resulting from asymmetric accounting information. thus, we can adopt more effective measures to lessen loss of resource allocation effectiveness, So it has practical meaning. This article began with the theory of asymmetric accounting information and put the emphasis on how effective corporation governance structure can reduce the negative impacts of asymmetric accounting information. With the analysis of the status quo of corporate governance structure in China, The article proposed concrete methods to perfect the corporate governance structure for minimizing the efficiency loss of asymmetric accounting information.From explaining the general theory of the asymmetric information, the text has described the forms of the asymmetric accounting information, profound analyzed the reason why the asymmetric accounting information produced, at the same time, and explained the economic influence that the asymmetric accounting information bring from four respects. Then from inside and outside respect of corporate governance structure, it fully analyzed effective corporate governance structure how to weaken negative impacts leaded by the asymmetric accounting information. On one hand, Effective internal governance structure can through Encouragement, assimilating the utility function of investors and managers in order to relieve the morals risk; on the other hand, it can check and balance through right mechani arrange, in order to relieve the reverse choice, complete outside control mechani restrain manager behior from to weaken through outside competition mechani of market asymmetric accounting information effectively. Finally, in combining the fact of corporate governance structure in our country, it has proposed some advice with realistic significance to reduce asymmetric accounting information.
论文关键词: 公司治理结构;会计信息不对称;资本市场;经理市场;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Corporate governance structure;Asymmetric accounting information;Capital market;Manager’s market;