
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-17 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With the gradual development of financial instruments,Fair value has much attention,it is mainly based on the defect of historical cost of defects.Fair value has been concerned about the progressive and respected because of a high potential degree of decision-making relevance.International accounting standards and developed countries he introduced in Fair value one after another,and believe that Fair value is the most relevant measurement of Financial Instruments.With emergence of the large number of innovative financial instruments,Accounting information in China need use international“accounting language”,and should be more open and transparent.China’s Ministry of Finance in February 2006 issued by the new accounting standards,the introduction of Fair value is a major bright spot,especially in the financial instruments accounting,it reflected the convergence of accounting for financial instruments between China and International developed countries,For our country to strengthen the accounting for financial instruments in financial sector,and better to oid financial risks and participate in the international capital market and lay a sound foundation.At the same time,fair value in financial instruments in for of the move from the sheet list on China’s listed banks to disclose the accounting statements of changes in information of great significance.Fair value measurement attribute a wide range of applications in the bank industry,brought to the commercial banks and internal operation of the system of multi-level changes.At present,the U.S.sub-loan crisis of the financial crisis is affecting the world economy,with the financial crisis broke out,the issue of fair value also emerged of China’s banking industry will be faced with new challenges and opportunities.In this paper,the writer selected Fair value of financial instruments in the application of accounting to explore for the financial sector and the accounting profession are very concerned about it,In this paper,Fair value has the theoretical and empirical research,focusing on Fair value in listed banks to disclose accounting information and financial situation.China’s five commercial banks on the study carried out case studies,samples in 2007 and 2008 Annual Report data analysis of mathematical statistics and comparative analysis results show that the listed banks in accordance with the new accounting standards require fair value measurement of the basic realization of a ooth transition and to come to listed banks on the use of fair value information disclosure and financial position,operating results and trends.
论文关键词: 公允价值;金融工具;上市银行;金融危机;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Fair value;Financial instruments;Listed banks;the Financial crisis;