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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn According to the stipulations of our stock market, listed company should issue its interim financial report periodically. This dissertation is mainly about the interim financial report of listed company.Part I is forward.Part II is an introduction of some important institutional background of my study. Among the information-issuing system of listed company, interim financial report is a very important portion and has a history of more than a century. Interim financial report should be defined as financial report prepared for a reporting period shorter than a full financial year.Part III is on the issues of how interim financial report should be drawn up theoretically. There are two viewpoint on how to prepare interim financial report: discrete theory and integral theory. In view of the accounting information environment, the supply&demand of accounting information and the efficiency of stock market, discrete theory is more propitious to China than integral theory.Part IV is a comparison of U.S APB Opinion No.28,IASC IAS34 and China’s Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises: Interim Financial Report .The comparing items include the form and content of interim financial report ,the recognizing and measuring of financial statement items and so on.Part V is a study of the relationship between interim financial earnings and stock price behior. Though studying the market price reaction of interim accounting earnings, it can be concluded that the interim accounting earning is decision useful in China’s securities market. As a by-product of this study, it can be found that in our stock market the investors’ reaction to interim financial report is more like integral theory, but not discrete theory.Part VI gives some proposition on the accounting standard of interim financial report, included: 1,easing the stipulation on form and content of interim financial report;2,there should be a clearly stipulation about inventory impairment losses and reversal; 3,the accounting method of interim income tax-return should be amended; 4,a system of accounting review services on interim financial report should be established.
论文关键词: 中期财务报告;理论与实证;上市公司;独立观;我国会计准则;我国证券市场;信息含量;国际会计准则委员会;意见和建议;存货跌价准备;