
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-20 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Along with the reform of socialistic market economy, the social security system of which the hard core is social pension insurance is also on a fast step of reform. The design, improvement and scientific management of pension insurance system should be supported by pension insurance accounting information system. The controlling and supervising functions of accounting are also needed. The research of pension insurance accounting is aimed to adapt to development of pension insurance system and the reform direction of governmental accounting.Except chapter one: conspectus, the thesis has three parts:Chapter Two: The development and current system of pension insurance and accounting in China. This chapter introduces and analyzes the process of China’s pension insurance system and pension insurance accounting reform. The conclusion is that there are some shortcomings in current system of pension insurance accounting. The accounting objective, accounting entity, accounting information quality characteristic are not clear. Accounting basis is not suitable. And the fund financial report is not integrity.Chapter Three: The overseas researches of social security accounting. In this chapter, we introduce and analyze the researches made by International Accountant Association Committee, USA, UK and Sweden. Through the introductions and analysis of overseas researches, we get enlightenments on these aspects: expense and liability recognition, disclosure of contingent liability, disclosure of actuarial information, sensitivity analysis and strict internal control system.Chapter Four: Policy recommendations for improvement of pension insurance accounting in China. The advices are about accounting records and information disclosure. The accounting entity should be pension insurance fund, not the institutions control and manage it. The accounting objective is to reflect stewardship of institution. The financial report should assist report users in evaluating the service efforts and accomplishments; the financial condition of the fund; the assets and the liabilities. Credibility is the most important accounting information quality characteristic. The recognition basis of pension insurance accounting should combine cash basis and accrual basis. In the aspect of information disclosure, balance sheet, receipts and payments account should be properly adjusted to accounting basis. Cash flow statement should also be added. In addition, statement note is needed to illuminate and explain some programs in financial statements. Considering the particularity of pension insurance system, required supplementary information should be included in the financial report, such as, actuarial information about recessive liability and sensitive analysis.
论文关键词: 社会保障;养老保险;会计研究;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Social Security;Pension Insurance;Accounting Research;