
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-29 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn In the 1970s,asset securitization originated from America and greatly expanded to the global market in the 1990s.These days,it has become a significant financing instrument.As a structural financing instrument,asset securitization has some unique advantages that the other financing instruments don’t he.2005 is the ice-break year of asset securitization in China.Pilot projects of asset securitization began from that year and develop greatly in the next years.For the asset securitization he many advantages,such as spreading the operational risks of banks,enhancing the asset liquidity and enriching the financing methods,the research of this dissertation has great value of both practical guidance and theoretical study.The world is under the haze of global financial crisis which is inspired by the sub-prime mortgage crisis in America,so I think we should study the accounting of asset securitization systematically and deeply - based on the reality of China and reviewed the sub-prime crisis.This research begins from the definition of asset securitization and the development of it,and then compares the accounting methods between China and the popular methods in the global market,at last analyzes and comments on the reality of China and gives some advice.This dissertation includes five chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the background,the motivation and the limitations.Chapter 2 covers the asset securitization from the definition and the operation.Chapter 3 is the main chapter which covers the recognition,measurement,disclosure,consolidation and the international comparison. Chapter 4 gives a case study and analyzes the asset securitization market in China. Chapter 5 is conclusion and suggestion.
论文关键词: 资产证券化;终止确认;后续涉入法;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Asset Securitization;Derecognition;Continuing Involvement Approach;