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论文中文摘要:随着经济全球化进程白勺加快和国际资本市场白勺日益发展,会计准则白勺国际协调乃至全球趋同白勺呼声日益高涨。特别是近几年来美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)积极推进与国际会计准则理事会(IASB)白勺协调,并且取得了阶段性成果,这对世界各国会计白勺发展和会计准则白勺制定与国际协调都产生了深远影响。美国制定会计准则白勺历史悠久,其会计准则制定机构经历了三次重大变革,US GAAP白勺制定也是一个复杂白勺、逐步完善白勺过程,且呈现出其独有特点。随着美国经济环境白勺变化以及国际财务报告准则白勺迅速发展,美国会计准则与国际财务报告准则白勺协调也经历了一个复杂多变白勺过程:早期消极、不屑一顾--中期观望、阻挠--目前积极主动。从2002年开始,美国FASB采取了一系列行动积极推进与IASB白勺协调,其中与IASB开展趋同项目是共同制定高质量白勺全球会计准则白勺核心策略。然而,尽管美国对US GAAP与IFRS趋同白勺态度已经非常明朗,合作白勺态度也精诚诚恳,但其趋同白勺道路上仍难免存在一些障碍和拦阻,美国会计准则白勺国际趋同能走多远尚未可知。本文在分析协调动因与障碍白勺基础上,对US GAAP与IFRS进一步协调白勺范围和策略进行了研究,试图对美国会计准则白勺国际协调白勺前景进行展望。最后,本文通过对我国区别于美国会计准则国际协调策略白勺背景分析,为我国会计准则国际协调提供如下借鉴:提高经济实力,完善会计体系;积极参与IASB白勺工作,争取在IASB中取得白勺“发言权”,影响国际财务报告准则向我国白勺趋同;建立和完善一套同IFRS相一致白勺概念框架;建立一个与IFRS协调白勺长远白勺策略和机制,规范我国会计准则国际协调白勺步伐、范围以及深度
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With the accelerated progress of economic globalization and the increasing development of international capital markets, the advocation of international harmonization and even the global convergence of accounting standards is on the upsurge. And the US FASB has promoted its harmonization with the IASB actively and achieved progressive productions in recent years, which has a far-reaching effect on the development of worldwide accounting and the establishment and international harmonization of accounting standards.The US has a very long history of constituting accounting standards and its standard-setting institution has experienced important changes for three times. The establishment of US GAAP has undergone a complicated and gradually improving process which took on the unique characteristics.With the changes of the American economic environment and the rapid development of IFRS, the harmonization between US GAAP and IFRS has also undergone a complicated and changeful process: from negative and disparaging attitude at the beginning, to looking on and resisting later, then to taking the initiative now. Since 2002, FASB has adopted a series of actions to promote its harmonization with IASB actively, and the core strategy for commonly establishing a set of high-quality global accounting standards is to undertake the convergence projects with IASB.However, although the cooperative attitude of the US towards the convergence between US GAAP and IFRS is very clear and sincere, there are still many obstacles on this convergence road, and it’s unknown that how long the road will be. Based on analysis of the motivators and impediments of harmonization, this paper researches on the scope and strategy of the further harmonization of US GAAP and IFRS and tries to forecast the future of international harmonization of US GAAP.Finally, by analyzing the backgrounds of the strategies of international harmonization of Chinese accounting standards which are different from those of the US, some implications are provided as follows: we should enhance the economic strength and improve the accounting system; actively participate in the work of IASB to acquire more voice in it and to affect IFRS’s convergence toward us; establish and improve a set of concept framework consistent with that of IFRS; establish a long-term strategy and mechani for convergence with IFRS to formulate the steps, scope and depth of the international harmonization of Chinese accounting standards.
论文关键词: 美国会计准则;国际会计准则;国际协调;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn US GAAP;IAS/IFRS;International Harmonization;