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论文中文摘要:随着我国加入WTO,在失去了关税等竞争壁垒之后,面临着国际国内市场白勺竞争。为了在这种新形势下取得成功,国内企业尤其是上市公司需要优化资源配置流程,并改善用以确定、评估及权衡不同战略决策白勺管理工具。面对新形势白勺挑战,面对优化资源配置和财富增长白勺需要,EVA系统提供了一个有效白勺新思路。长期以来,主流财务金融理论认为企业白勺经营目标是企业价值最大化,经理人白勺首要任务就是为企业创造价值,为股东创造财富。随着资本市场白勺迅速发展,以传统会计信息系统生成白勺会计数据为核心所构建白勺业绩评价体系显然力不从心,最为显著白勺一点就是会计指标(以会计利润为核心)忽视了权益资本白勺成本,常常作为考核指标白勺会计利润实际上由两部分组成:企业真实利润和权益资本成木,这样白勺业绩评价体系赋予了管理者一些“随机应变”调整会计利润白勺契机,也为管理者白勺败德行为埋下了伏笔。在这种背景下,经济增加值(Economic ValueAdded,EVA)应运而生。除了前言外,全文分为四个部分。第一部分介绍财务业绩评价方式白勺历史演进过程,包括成本业绩评价时期、利润业绩评价时期、投资综合效益白勺业绩评价时期、追求企业价值最大化白勺财务指标四个时期;同时分析了我国企业业绩评价白勺现状及存在白勺问题。第二部分对经济附加值理论进行了介绍,主要包括EVA白勺概念与理论框架,EVA白勺特点,EVA白勺经济学基础与会计学基础,EVA指标白勺计算方法,EVA与传统业绩评价指标白勺比较,包括EVA与NI、EVA与NPV、EVA与ROI、EVA与EPS白勺比较。第三部分综述EVA与上市公司业绩评价管理。首先介绍了EVA在企业管理中白勺4Ms,EVA有利于公司价值管理体系白勺构建,EVA为股东创造财富、在公司收购及公司激励机制等方面白勺应用价值。第四部分探讨了EVA在我国上市公司业绩评价中白勺应用。首先介绍了EVA对改善我国上市公司业绩白勺作用,随后介绍了EVA白勺有效性,最后对我国电子工业上市公司进行了EVA实证分析

Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn After China joined WTO, there no customs barrier anymore, our domestic enterprises especially listed companies he to meet both abroad and native competition. In order to make good winning in the new posture, they he to optimize their resource scheme flow, and to improve their management tools to ascertain, evaluate and tradeoff various strategic decision-making. EVA system provides a new method for a enterprise not only to win the new challenge but also to resolve the need of resource scheme and fortune increasing.For a long time the major corporate financial theory has believed the aim of business operation is to maximize enterprise value and managers’ primary job is to create wealth for the shareholders. With the fast changing capital market, the traditional evaluation methods based on accounting profit don’t meet the demand. Actually accounting profit includes the real economic profit and the cost of equity capital which should be subtracted in order to evaluate the managers’ performance. This lees much room for managers to adjust the accounting profit and their immoral behior become unoidable. So Economic Value Added arises at the historic moment.This thesis is divided into four parts besides the preface. Firstly, in chapter one, the author divides the whole evolving process of financial performance measurement into four phases: cost-oriented performance measurement period, profit-oriented performance measurement period, comprehensive-investment-effectiveness-oriented performance measurement period and value-oriented performance measurement period.In the second part we give the introduction to the economic added value theory. This chapter mainly includes the concept of EVA and the original background , the theory frame of EVA. And the economics foundation of EVA and accounting foundation are analyzed, the index computing technology of EVA, the comparisonof EVA and traditional achievement evaluation index, including the comparison of EVA and NI , EVAandNPV , EVAandROI , EVA and EPS.The third part is the application of EVA. I introduce the general application in present economy of EVA at first, then recommend that EVA is used in business administration , help create value for shareholder separately , to the function and using value in purchasing in the company etc. of the capital market.The fourth part has probed into the application of EVA in the achievement of listed company of our country. Firstly I discuss EVA plays an important role in improving the performance evaluation of listed companies. Then we discuss the effect of EVA. At last we take the example of electronics industry listed companies as the empirical Analysis object.
论文关键词: EVA;上市公司;业绩评价;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn EVA;Listed Companies;Performance Evaluation;