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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn The advanced occupational academy carried on the "Accounting information System" in the curriculum teaching process, generally taking the maturer commercialized accountant software in the actual market of accountant software as the foundation. Although the commercialized software had friendly user interface and complete function, still had some insufficiencies in actual teaching with no meeting the needs of teacher and student completely. In order to change this situation and guarantee the student majored in computerization accountant hing a comprehensive understanding to the accounting information system, one accounting information system for teaching which is realistical, easy to grasp and convenient for the operation needs developing urgently.With UML (UnifiedModelingLanguge)to develop software system, has not a unified method intrinsically. This article took the Shaanxi finance and economics professional technology institute as an example ; using the method and the technology to the software engineering, combining the concrete characteristic of accounting information system, has carried on the analysis, design and research to this school’s accounting information system for teaching by UML.With the method of object-oriented design and the analysis, carried on the analysis to the functional, the performance demand, the data demand, the connection demand and so on of the Shaanxi finance and economics professional technology institute’s accounting information system for teaching. Established the service model, the case of demand analysis, the activivity graph and class chart and so on with standard modelling language UML; produced the code frame of programme toVFP by class chart; regenerated physical data model by class chart; finally produced the database. Constructed architecture of the system; carried on the mapping and the tranormation to system, then meet the realization of system with VFP using object-oriented method ; and proposed security policy to the system. Through carrying on the test to the function and the performance of system, this system proved has an ability to complete the daily account processing of economic operation to an entity, in which mainly includes initialization to the general account system, disposal to the keeping accounts certificate, all kinds of building work to accountant book and so on. This achieved the preliminary study goal of this paper.
论文关键词: AIS;会计信息系统教学系统;关系数据库;UML;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn AIS;Teaching Accounting Information System;relational database system;UML;